March 23, 2020: Online Transition Coordinator

Dear Faculty,

While we are moving through the transition to online and remote work, the Office of the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs will be implementing an Online Transition Coordinator: Dustin Anderson. The goal here is to maintain continuity in all wings of our operations by analyzing information and communicating needed actions to our Academic Affairs leadership team. This should help us to find delivery irregularities or issues, identify communication solutions, and determine ongoing needs. 

Deans and chairs should be on the lookout for requests for information over the coming week. The more information we have, the easier it will be able to offer support, guidance, and accurate responses to issues that arise during this transition. To effectively respond to the needs across all of the divisions of Academic Affairs, we need to aggregate all developments and changes to Student Success offices (such as FYE, ASC, Advising), pedagogical delivery needs (academic departments), and technology and educational services (like CTE) as well as our partner offices in Student Affairs, Enrollment Management, and ITS. 

In addition to the most appropriate communication channels for individual issues, you can contact the OTC directly with concerns or questions at As many issues are shared across units and divisions, the OTC will help share that information as effectively as possible. 

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Carl L. Reiber

Provost & Vice President Academic Affairs

Last updated: 8/18/2021