3rd Annual Georgia Undergraduate Research Conference opens doors for Undergraduate Scholars

STATESBORO, Ga. –October, 10 2014- Georgia Southern University Division of Continuing Education will host the 3rd Annual Georgia Undergraduate Research Conference, November 14 through November 15, 2014 at the Nessmith-Lane Conference Center in Statesboro, Ga.

The conference is designed to bring together undergraduate student researchers, university and college faculty and scholars from around the southeast to showcase the excellence in research and scholarship occurring in the region. Undergraduate student researchers from all disciplines are encouraged to present their work during the November conference.

Kymberly Drawdy, Committee Chair, Special Education, at Georgia Southern University stated, “We are very much looking forward to hosting undergraduate researchers from across the state at this conference.”

The unique conference setting provides the opportunity for students to learn how to be active members of professional conferences. Presentations at the conference will follow a variety of formats including poster sessions, artistic displays and oral presentations.

“It is both an opportunity for undergraduate researchers to showcase their findings and to receive comments as they continue to build upon their work. Looking at the proposals, it is great to see such a wide range of disciplines represented as well,” Drawdy said.

Attendees will also have the ability to make connections with peers, faculty in graduate programs and other mentors. University representatives from around the southeast will be available throughout the conference to answer questions and provide information about their graduate programs.

Georgia Southern graduate, Jemelleh Coes, will be joining the conference as the keynote speaker. Coes is currently a doctoral student in Education Theory at University of Georgia. As Georgia’s 2014 teacher of the year, she has had several speaking engagements including her keynote presentation at the 2014 Georgia Educational Research Association Annual Meeting.

The conference will be a full e-conference. Attendees are encouraged to bring smartphones and/or tablets to view conference materials and programs. No paper programs will be available.

Online registration is currently open for those interested in attending the 2014 GURC conference. Registration fees are $50 or $65 after October 31, 2014. To register, please visit https://ww2.georgiasouthern.edu/academics/ce/conferences/gurc/gurcregistration/. For more information about the conference, contact Georgia Southern University Division of Continuing Education at 912-478-5555 or e-mail gurc@georgiasouthern.edu.


Posted in Continuing and Professional Education Newsroom