Call for Proposals for Southeast Conference on Languages and Literatures
STATESBORO, Ga. –October 17, 2014- The Department of Foreign Languages at Georgia Southern University invites proposal submissions for the twelfth annual Southeast Coastal Conference on Languages and Literatures (SECCLL). The deadline for submissions is November 3, 2014.
The conference will run March 26 to March 27, 2015, in downtown Savannah, GA at the Coastal Georgia Center. SECCLL brings together educators and scholars from both public and private institutions of higher education, encouraging a rigorous and productive exchange among academics.
Proposals may be submitted in subject areas such as Arabic, Classics, East Asian/Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Open Graduate Student Session, and Special Topics in Language, Literature, Culture, Pedagogy and Film. For the complete list of possible proposal topics, please visit and click on the SECCLL link.
Proposals must be submitted online through Digital Commons. To access Digital Commons, visit All papers are limited to 20 minutes (9 – 10 double-spaced pages). Pre-organized panel proposals are encouraged.
Papers presented at the 2015 SECCLL Conference may be submitted to The Coastal Review, an online peer-reviewed journal that is published annually by the Department of Foreign Languages at Georgia Southern.
Conference registration is available online or by calling the Division of Continuing Education toll-free at 855-478-5551. For more details, contact or call 912-478-1763.