How Can Forté Communication Intelligence Improve Your Business?

Imagine looking at your team and immediately knowing who can work best with who and on what projects, or knowing your employees, strengths, weaknesses, and stamina at a single glance! In just a handful of questions, Forté Communication Intelligence can break down an individual’s overall communication style and personality. But it doesn’t stop there. Forté takes that data further and maps out how an employee is currently adapting to their work environment. This will show you if they are meeting goals, feel like they are being heard, have enough stamina for the job or if they are in burnout.
Forté is not your typical personality quiz. This comprehensive experience quickly encapsulates a person’s inner feelings and how they try to be perceived. You get an inside look of their strengths that they may not even realize or their weaknesses that you, as a manager may not know how to support.
In today’s culture where finding long-term employees is becoming more difficult, Forté gives you an opportunity to retain your staff by knowing if you have employees who are at or are approaching
burnout in the workplace.
If you are looking at a mass group of employees, Forté can even break down if individuals are looking to
move up in their career if they have a management style, or if they yearn for more training and education.
For employees in long-term positions but somehow the teams are not meeting goals, you can
see what demotivates each employee based on their desired work environment. For example, Carl does
not handle last-minute or unexpected changes well, whereas Kyle excels in problem-solving and crisis
management. Bob, however, prefers to work independently whereas Kyle seems to work best with a more
managed, structured approach. Having Bob and Kyle on a team together would be effective
management as they could balance each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
Dr. DeeDee Southerlin of Georgia Southern’s Division of Continuing and Professional Education leads
the way for Forté Communication Intelligence training in the Southeastern United States. Several
organizations have already completed Forté training amongst their entire staff and have seen immediate
and immense improvement.
“The Forté Training exceeded our expectations. DeeDee is such an engaging presenter! Consensus with
the group was that the Forté session was the BEST training we had in a long time!” – Sabrina, Cardinal
“Even down to the recent adaptive situations section, this report is SCARY accurate. Terrific job, Forté
Team!” – Alex; Forté Participant.
To schedule a Forté session for your team or even for yourself, contact DeeDee Southern at