About Us
What is Continuing and Professional Education?
Building communities and careers with Georgia Southern pride.
What’s our mission?
Serving you to serve your career and your community.
The Division of Continuing and Professional Education’s mission is to enhance skills, elevate careers, and enrich lives. This is accomplished by providing the highest quality professional development and customized training programs, conference planning services, and personal enrichment opportunities for individuals and organizations. The Division serves people of all ages, from youth to working adults to senior citizens. The Division also partners with a wide range of businesses, industries, and government agencies to promote economic development, ensure a highly skilled workforce, and support innovative and effective organizational leadership.
Meet our team.
Grace Owens-Gaughan, Program Coordinator
Email Grace
(912) 478-1766
We’re where you need us to be.
Find us in both Statesboro and Savannah, Georgia.
Looking for more information?
Last updated: 4/8/2022