The National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Conference is excited to announce the inaugural NYARt Art
Competition. K-12 students and their teachers are invited to submit an original 2-D work of art that showcases the talents of resilient youth that is inspired by a specific theme.
This year’s theme is Empowering Change. The past three years shifted how students live, study, and connect with others. In the face of uncertainty and unrest, students showed the world how to respond and recover. Contestants may use any medium or combination of media to create an original piece. This year’s competition will consist of three divisions and one winner will be chosen.
Submissions will close on January 24, 2025.
Winners will be notified in early February.
- Open to students attending public schools, home schools, and charter schools.
- Teachers or students can submit their artwork for one of three grade divisions:
- Grades K-5
- Grades 6-8
- Grades 9-12
- The first-place winner in each grade division will receive $250 and recognition at the 2025 National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Conference.
- Winning art pieces will be featured on the 2025 NYAR conference website.
- Winning art pieces will be showcased in the NYAR Conference program and the NYAR journal.
- Students can enter on their own or through their school, homeschool, or charter school.
- Students must be in grades K-12 and reside in the United States.
- Artwork submissions should be submitted as a JPG or PNG file. All entrants should be prepared to send a hi-resolution image should the entry be selected as a winner. For publication, these files should be 300 dpi when saved at approximately 8×10 inches (2400×3600 pixels), ideally, and 5×7 inches (1500×2100 pixels) at a minimum.
- Submissions must be submitted through the official submission link. Do not mail art as it will not be entered in the contest or returned.
- The subject of the photo must be created by the artist. This is not a photography contest. Accepted types of art include charcoal, collage, computer graphics, drawing (pen and ink or pencil), fiber/fabric, mixed media, mosaics, paintings, pastels, printmaking, and watercolors.
- Please do not enter art from copyrighted sources such as pictures originated from Disney, Marvel, DC Comics, and Pixar. We do not catch them all but we try to filter out celebrity images that may have originated from a copyrighted photo.
To download a PDF version of this page, click here.
Congratulations to the 2024 winners!
Elementary School- Vivian Jian, Lake Windward Elementary School
Middle School- Alisha Yoo, Webb Bridge Middle School
High School- Nicole Prudchenko, Georgia Connections Academy
Last updated: 2/10/2025