Inclusive Teaching

Inclusive teaching creates teaching and learning experiences in which students feel respected, seen, heard, and included regardless of their identities or background. The importance of fostering an inclusive environment is evident in the feeling of belonging that increases student satisfaction with their educational experience. Here are some inclusive teaching tips:

  • Reflect on your own biases and recognize potential micro-aggressions perpetuated directly and indirectly in daily interactions.
  • Plan a diverse course with various teaching methods, materials, and voices. When selecting authors, examples, and topics, consider including various representations. 
  • Promote a positive classroom environment where respect is paramount so all students feel welcomed and valued. 
  • Encourage feedback from your students. Clear communication helps them but also helps you understand how to meet their needs and interests better. 
  • Respect and accommodate diverse needs for greater equity in teaching, learning, and grading. 

For more information, consider the following resources:

Last updated: 5/17/2023