June 16, 2021: Attendance Verification Quiz for Summer Term B

Term B is less than a week away. In keeping with our commitment to making courses accessible and transparent to students, we need to ensure our summer courses are activated in Folio.

If you are teaching in Term B, please make sure that your courses are activated in Folio with a descriptive News Item and/or syllabus available. Instructors wishing to keep content locked can still compose modules in ‘Draft’ status and release the content later. As you know, students having access to their grades on an ongoing basis is key to their success, so please make use of the Folio gradebook.

As with every semester, all students will verify their attendance through the non-credit Attendance Verification Quiz. Starting tomorrow, June 17th, the LTS team will begin loading the Attendance Verification Quiz and Quiz Announcement into Folio sites for all courses. The Quiz will go live at 8:00am on June 21st. The Quiz will end on June 24th at 11:59pm.

The turnaround for minimester terms is accelerated, so we need to be vigilant regarding their status. Please proactively reach out to students about completing the attendance verification quiz on the first day of the semester.

Again, attendance verification is used for several important reasons, not the least of which is remaining in compliance with federal regulations (those also include reporting the ‘last day of attendance’ in cases where a student withdraws from the university). More importantly to students, there are financial aid implications tied to attendance verification. This quiz is the uniform tool for Attendance Verification and will be used in every course (including thesis/dissertation sections, independent studies, internships, etc…).

Please remind instructors of the following:

  1. The quiz must not be adjusted in any way. Changing the values or percentages renders the quiz useless for reporting attendance.
  2. For those of you importing course shells or templates from previous semesters, the LTS team will also work to remove the previous (duplicate) Attendance Verification quiz.
  3. The quiz is not intended to replace “Day One” type assignments for engagement. Having an additional engagement assignment is perfectly fine, but it should not be used for attendance verification. Please do not label  “Day One” type assignments as Attendance Verification. This has created confusion for some of our students (especially online).

Thank you,
Office of the Provost

Last updated: 8/13/2021