Learning Support Program

The Learning Support Program provides students with additional support to develop skills in reading, composition, and/or mathematics. Students are enrolled in the Learning Support Program based on placement test results according to Board of Regents and Georgia Southern University policies.

Learning Support Advisement and Registration

The Academic Success Center serves as secondary advisors to all students who are taking Learning Support courses, regardless of the student’s major.  Students in Learning Support will receive e-mail communication at the beginning of each term with detailed instructions on the Learning Support advisement and registration process for the upcoming semester.

Learning Support students receive early registration benefits while they are in the program; however, registration is completed by Academic Success Center staff since Learning Support students can not register themselves. Students must first be advised by their college Academic Advisor for degree-specific advisement, prior to meeting with their Learning Support advisor in the Academic Success Center.

Learning Support Placement Policy, effective Fall 2018

Students who score below the “floor scores” in both mathematics and English may be admitted to USG institutions. Students who score below the “floor score” in only one area may be admissible if their score in the other area meets or exceed the offsetting score.

Course Placement ACCUPLACER Score Placement
English: Next Generation ACCUPLACER Exam Score  
  237 or higher (Reading) and 4 or higher (Writing) Exempt Learning Support; direct placement into ENGL 1101 w/out co-requisite class
  208-236 (Reading) and 3 (Writing): Learning Support Required ENGL 1101 with ENGL 0999
  207 or below (Reading) and 2 or lower (Writing) Floor score; not admissible to institution unless student scores 231 or higher (Math)
Math For MATH 1111 Placement Next Generation ACCUPLACER Exam Score Placement
  266 or higher Exempt Learning Support; direct placement into MATH 1111 w/out co-requisite class
  258-265: Learning Support Required MATH 1111 w/ MATH 0999
  257 or below: Learning Support Required MATH 1001 w/ MATH 0997 or
MATH 1101 w/ MATH 0998
Math For MATH 1101/1001 or STAT 1401Placement: Next Generation ACCUPLACER Exam Score Placement
  258 or higher Exempt Learning Support; direct placement into MATH 1001, MATH 1101, or STAT 1401 w/out co-requisite class
  257 or below MATH 1001 w/ MATH 0997 or
MATH 1101 w/ MATH 0998 or
STAT 1401 w/ STAT 0998

Updated 1.25.2019 to reflect the new ACCUPLACER Next Generation Exam placement policy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below are some of the most common questions we receive about the Learning Support Program, along with our responses.

According to Board of Regents policies, all non-traditional freshmen must be screened for placement in Learning Support courses using the ACCUPLACER exam administered by a University System institution and must meet University System criteria for exemption or exit of Learning Support in reading, English, and mathematics.

As an alternative, an institution may allow non-traditional freshmen who have within the past seven years posted SAT scores of at least 500 in both Verbal and Mathematics or ACT scores of at least 21 on both English and Mathematics to exempt the ACCUPLACER placement test.

Students are not permitted to drop any required Learning Support classes.

A request for withdrawal from a Learning Support course can be made if a student is withdrawing from all classes or is failing their collegiate class prior to the withdrawal date; in these scenarios, the student must withdraw from both the collegiate and the co-requisite class. Students must make this request through their Educational Specialist in the Academic Success Center. This will count as two withdrawals of the maximum six withdrawals permitted by the institution ( Rules Regarding Learning Support Program Operation, University System of Georgia Policy Manual).

Students who are not required to enroll in a Learning Support course may enroll on a voluntary basis. They will be expected to participate in the course and take the tests, but they will not be subject to the Learning Support exit requirements.

Students wishing to opt-in to a Learning Support course must complete the request form.

While the student may be taking collegiate courses beyond Learning Support, the student’s first obligation is to satisfy Learning Support requirements. Students in the Learning Support Program must enroll in Learning Support class(es) during their first semester; enrollment in Learning Support class(es) will continue each subsequent semester until requirements are satisfied. The Academic Success Center will confirm the student has satisfied the Learning Support requirements.

Students who have earned a maximum of 30 credit hours of college-level credit since starting at Georgia Southern University and have not successfully completed required Learning Support courses may enroll only in Learning Support courses with the corresponding core class.

Each co-requisite Learning Support course is applied 2-credit hours  (i.e. the paired corequisite English 0999 and/or Math 0997,0998, and 0999 courses), however, are not reflected in earned hours nor are counted towards your degree program or GPA. See the Board of Regents policy on Learning Support requirements.  

Learning Support courses (i.e. the paired corequisite English 0999 and/or Math 0997,0998, and 0999 courses) are reflected in your enrolled hours but will not count towards your degree program or your GPA.

For more information about what your particular financial aid package covers, please contact the Office of Financial Aid directly.

Last updated: 1/25/2022