General Education

General Education student learning outcomes assessment is a reflective process by which faculty review and consider the effectiveness of instructional methods, class activities, curriculum, and student engagement by measuring student learning. Core curriculum content and assessment are aligned with a specific Core Area Student Learning Outcome. The General Education and Core Curriculum (GECC) committee, a standing committee of the Faculty Senate consisting of two representative faculty from each college and University Libraries, provides oversight for core course assessment.

Faculty in each program follow a regular process of collecting student learning artifacts and assessing student learning using direct measures, such as an objective test or performance-based assignment evaluated with an analytic rubric. Data collected through this process is analyzed and summarized in an assessment document based on the General Education Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Document Template* and General Education Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Rubric

General Education student learning outcomes assessment documents are submitted to the GECC on an annual basis for peer-review using the criteria in the General Education Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Rubric. Each assessment document is independently reviewed by two members of the GECC, one representing a closely aligned discipline and one from another discipline. After reviewing independently, the two reviewers compare their reviews and compile reconciled feedback to suggest potential improvements to the assessment process or documentation. 

* Download template as .docx file.

** All assessment coordinators will be auto-enrolled in the Folio course. Please submit an Assessment Services Request Form to request enrollment.

Core Curriculum Student Learning Outcomes

Area A1—Communication Skills (6 Hours Required)
Students will use research and analysis to produce written communication adapted appropriately for specific audiences, purposes, and rhetorical situations.

Area A2—Quantitative Skills (3 Hours Required)
Students will apply mathematical knowledge using analytical, graphical, written, or numerical approaches to interpret information or to solve problems.

Area B—Institutional Options (7 Hours Required) Global Engagement
Students will recognize and articulate global perspectives across diverse societies in historical and cultural contexts.

Area C—Humanities, Fine Arts, and Ethics (6 Hours Required)
Students will identify and critically examine human values expressed in ideas and cultural products.

Area D—Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology (11 Hours Required and at least 8 of these hours must be in a lab science course)
Students will use scientific reasoning and methods, mathematical principles, or appropriate technologies to investigate natural phenomena.

Area E—Social Sciences (9 Hours Required)
Students will articulate and analyze how political, historical, social, or economic forces have shaped and continue to shape human behaviors and experiences.

General Education and Core Curriculum Committee (GECC)

GECC Faculty Senate Committee

GECC Meeting Dates*

2024-2025 Academic Year

  • August 23, 2024
  • September 27, 2024
  • October 25, 2024
  • November 22, 2024
  • December 13, 2024
  • January 24, 2025
  • February 28, 2025
  • March 28, 2025
  • April 25, 2025

*All prior GECC minutes are contained within the Faculty Senate Librarian’s Report.

CollegeFirst NameLast NameCampus
Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and ComputingDavidCalamasStatesboro
Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and ComputingFelixHamza-LupArmstrong
Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and ComputingHaydenWimmerStatesboro
College of Arts and HumanitiesCindyCostaArmstrong
College of Arts and HumanitiesMelissaFarisStatesboro
College of Behavioral and Social SciencesEloisePittStatesboro
College of Behavioral and Social SciencesLaraWesselArmstrong
College of EducationBaileyNafzigerStatesboro
College of EducationKellyTharpStatesboro
College of EducationAmandaWallStatesboro
College of Science and MathematicsDeniseCarrollStatesboro
College of Science and MathematicsLeaPadgettArmstrong
Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthAtinAdhikariStatesboro
Parker College of BusinessErrolStewartStatesboro
University LibrariesDawnCannon-RechStatesboro
University LibrariesAutumnJohnsonStatesboro
Waters College of Health ProfessionsGreggRichStatesboro

Last updated: 8/22/2024