Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) on Campus


AED Inside

According to the American Red Cross, sudden cardiac arrest is one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. Over 350,000 people will suffer from sudden cardiac arrest this year. It can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere and at any age. An AED is the only effective treatment for restoring a regular heart rhythm during sudden cardiac arrest and is an easy to operate tool for someone with no medical background. Georgia Southern has implemented a program to place AEDs in buildings across campus. The goal is to have at least one AED in every campus building. The first phase has begun. The units are being placed in white AED cabinets on the wall in accessible locations. Each building that has an AED will have a sticker on the front doors of that building. All you need to do is ACT! Anyone can use an AED to help save a life. Training is not required. The AEDs are designed to talk and guide you through the steps. Time is of the essence. All you have to do is retrieve the AED from the cabinet and open it up. If anyone is down, do not think twice. Grab the AED and follow directions.

For more information about AED’s please see the AED policy.

In Case of Emergency

  1. Instruct someone to call 911
  2. Grab the AED
  3. Follow the directions it gives you

For more information regarding the University’s AED program, please contact:

Office of Public Safety

What is an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)?

An automated external defibrillator or AED is a portable electronic device that analyzes the heart’s electrical rhythm and if necessary delivers a shock to a person in sudden cardiac arrest.

Do I need medical training to use an AED?

Medical training is not required to use an AED. The AED Oversight Committee recommends that everyone take the opportunity to view the training video on the website on how to use the campus AEDs at a minimum. CPR/AED classes will be offered for those wanting to receive additional training.

Can I harm someone by using an AED if they do not really need it?

No. The AEDs will only deliver a shock when detected and medically necessary.

Can I be sued for using an AED on someone?

No. Georgia is one of many states that have a Good Samaritan Act or law that protects individuals from a civil lawsuit when rendering care in an emergency. (Code of Georgia §51-1-29 & §51-1-29.3)

What is the University’s AED Program?

Georgia Southern University is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all faculty, staff, students, parents and visitors to the University. To that end, the objective of the University’s Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Program is to establish a campus-wide oversight committee and to develop appropriate guidelines to ensure consistency in purchasing, placement, training, maintenance and oversight of AEDs on University properties.

What are the benefits of participating in the AED Program?

The most important benefit of having public access AEDs on campus is that they save lives. Furthermore, the University AED Program provides for standardization of AED units on campus, including purchasing, maintenance, testing, training and recordkeeping in order to ensure consistency of use and a centralized database for record keeping.

What is the AED Oversight Committee?

The AED Oversight Committee consists of representatives from the following University departments or agencies: Student Health Services; Office of Public Safety, Police Division; Office of Environmental Safety Services; Risk Management Office and/ or Legal Affairs; Athletic/Sports Medicine Department; Campus Recreation and Intramurals (CRI); Division of Facilities Services; Human Resources Department; Office of the Provost; Dean of Students Office; and the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) provider for Bulloch County. The Georgia Southern University AED Oversight Committee will meet on an annual basis or more frequently if AED program guideline updates or incidents of AED use require additional meetings.

Who is responsible for the Georgia Southern University AED Program?

The AED Oversight Committee is responsible for campus AED program oversight and record keeping associated with the University’s AED program.

What is the responsibility of the AED Departmental Coordinator?

The AED Departmental Coordinator is responsible for implementing the AED program within their department or unit, and serves as the primary contact for the AED(s) in their work area. In this role, the AED Departmental Coordinator’s responsibilities include ensuring departmental adherence to the University’s AED Program, notification of department staff of available CPR/AED training certification courses, and notification of departmental staff of the AED locations in their department buildings. In addition, the AED Departmental Coordinator will notify all departmental staff when any departmental AED unit is removed from service, where the next closest unit is located in that instance, and when a replacement unit has been installed in the original location.

Who pays for the AED?

The campus AED program is being implemented in phases as funding becomes available. It is the plan to place units in key designated areas as purchases are made. Specific departments may utilize private funding, donations, etc. to purchase/obtain AEDs for their area as long as the policy and guidelines are followed.

How does the department purchase an AED?

The requesting department will coordinate with the AED Oversight Committee on the Georgia Southern University AED Program Guidelines and the purchase of the approved unit and all necessary accessories.

Do I need approval to purchase an AED?

Yes, all AED purchases must be approved by the AED Oversight Committee. The Committee will instruct the requesting department regarding the purchase process, unit location determination, training procedures and other aspects of the campus AED Program.

How can I find out more about the campus AED Program?

Contact the Office of Public Safety at 912-478-5234, or send an email message to: