Immunization Requirements

The Board of Regents (BOR) of the University System of Georgia has established immunization requirements for all new students (first-year, transfers, and others). These requirements are outlined below and are required prior to registration at any college or university within the University System. Please click here for additional information from the Board of Regents.

Required Immunizations

  • Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR)
  • Varicella (Chicken Pox)
  • Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap)
  • Hepatitis B (18 years and under)

Certificates of Immunization

All student must submit one of the following in order to document proof of required immunizations. No other documentation will be accepted.

  • Georgia Southern University Certificate of Immunization Form
  • Signed Record of Immunization from a Healthcare Provider
  • State Immunization Registry Record
  • WHO Certificate of Immunization
  • County Health Department Immunization History Record
  • Georgia Department of Human Resources Certificate of Immunization (Form 3231)
  • University System of Georgia Institution Certificate of Immunization

Submitting your Certificate of Immunization

After completing one of the acceptable certificates of immunization listed above, you should submit your certificate and any supporting documentation online.

Option 1

  • Log-in to your MyGeorgiaSouthern account and click “Eagle OSH – Health Center Online.”
  • Click on “Upload.”
  • Click “Select File” to attach your Certificate of Immunization and any required documentation.
  • Click “Upload.”

Note: While you are in Eagle OSH, click on “Forms” to complete your Tuberculosis (TB) Screening Questionnaire.

Option 2

  • Email your submission to, OR
  • Fax your submission to 912-478-0792, OR
  • Mail your submission to Health Services, PO Box 8043, Statesboro GA 30460.

EU GDPR and UK GDPR Data Release

Pursuant to the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) and the United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), Georgia Southern University, in its capacity as a data controller under the EU GDPR and UK GDPR, must obtain explicit, affirmative consent before it can collect or process any sensitive personal data for a lawful basis. For the purposes of immunization compliance and record processing, please complete this form if you are submitting your records from the European Union or the United Kingdom.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I submit my immunization records?
  1. Go to and select Eagle OSH. Click on the “Forms” tab and you will see the TB Screening Questionnaire that must be completed on-line.
  2. Print the Certificate of Immunization and have the form completed and signed by your healthcare provider.
    • Note: If you are a Georgia resident and have received the required vaccines from a healthcare provider in Georgia, you likely do not have to submit the Certificate of Immunization form to us. Your immunization records are sent to us electronically from the Georgia Registry of Immunizations. If the record does not meet the immunization requirements, we will notify you by email.
  3. Once your Certificate of Immunization has been completed, go to and select Eagle OSH. Click on Uploads to upload your immunization record.
  4. If you fail to meet these requirements, a hold will be placed on your student account that will prevent registration for classes.
  • All forms must be completed in English.
  • Foreign language reports WILL NOT be accepted.
  • Handwritten lab results will not be accepted.
  • Dates of immunizations and titer results are required.
Are there exemptions from immunization requirements?

Yes, exemptions are provided based on the following:

  • Religious Objection
  • Medical Reasons *Requires a provider’s certification (documentation required)
  • Students enrolled in online courses only

Please email for additional information.

If I have an approved waiver, what happens if there is a communicable disease outbreak on campus?

During a public health event such as an epidemic, the University President is authorized, in conjunction with the Chancellor and appropriate health authorities, to put rules and regulations in place regarding diseases against which immunizations may be required.

Any individual who cannot show proof of immunity or adequate immunization and refuses to or cannot be immunized shall be excluded from any institution or facility of the University System until valid evidence is produced that they are immunized against the disease or the epidemic threat no longer constitutes a significant public health danger (BOR Minutes 1989-90, p.406).

In the event of a disease outbreak, these students may be excluded from any institution or facility of the University System until such time as they present valid evidence that they are immunized against the disease, have had the disease and recovered, or the epidemic or threat no longer constitutes a significant public health danger.

Why do I have to submit immunization records?

The Board of Regents (BOR) of the University System of Georgia has established immunization requirements for all new students. As a part of the USG system, all Georgia Southern University students are required to comply with these requirements.

What documentation do I submit to meet the immunization requirements?
  • Georgia Residents: If you are a Georgia resident and have received the required vaccines from a healthcare provider in Georgia, you do not have to submit your immunization records to us. Once you have registered for classes, your records are sent to us electronically from the Georgia Registry of Immunizations (GRITS). Please note that sometimes we are unable to pull this information automatically from GRITS due to space characters, hyphens, and misspellings of names in the State system. In these instances, you will receive an email from notifying you of your missing records.
  • Out of State or International Students: Print out the Certificate of Immunization and have your medical provider complete the form. All forms must be submitted in English. If you have immunization records from a medical provider, health department or other school, you are not required to complete the Certificate of Immunization form.
What other information (other than immunization records) do I have to submit to be compliant with the university requirements?
  • ALL STUDENTS, except students taking on-line course only, are required to complete the TB Screening Questionnaire by going to and clicking on Eagle OSH. Log in and go to the “Forms” tab to complete these forms.
When should I submit my immunization records?

All immunization records as well as the TB Screening Questionnaire should be submitted upon admission and before starting classes at Georgia Southern University.

Do you accept immunization records from any medical provider or other school instead of having to complete the Certificate of Immunization form?


Do I have to submit my immunization records if I am present or past military?


Do I have to submit my immunization records if I am a TAP student?


What happens once I submit my records?

Records are reviewed for compliance in the order in which they are received.  You should receive an email within 2 business days indicating that you are compliant or remain non-compliant and what may still be missing. You may also go to Eagle OSH to access your immunization records to view your status.

It has been more than 2 business days since I sent my immunization records and I still have a hold. What should I do?

Go to and click on Eagle OSH. Click on the “Immunizations” tab to view your history. This will provide you with information on any missing requirements. If you have met all of the requirements and still have a hold, email us at  for assistance.

What if I know that I had the vaccines or disease, but I am unable to locate my records?

You will be required to have a titer (lab test) drawn to verify immunity.  The lab results must be submitted to us for review. If the titer does not indicate immunity, you will be required to have the vaccines and provide proof of administration. All lab results must be in English.

Do I need to have a TB test?
  • Testing is indicated by the answers you submit on the TB Screening form. Once you submit your form it will be reviewed, and you will be notified via your Georgia Southern Email if further testing is needed.
  • TB testing is required for certain health science programs.
What happens if I am not compliant with these requirements?

Anyone that hasn’t submitted all required records and forms prior to starting classes at Georgia Southern University will have a hold placed on their account and will not be able to register for any future classes until the required documentation has been received. The student may also be restricted from access to other university services.

Last updated: 12/16/2024