FYLOR Request Form

Affidavits of Residency:

Student Affidavit

Parent Affidavit

Please use the form below to apply for an exemption to the First Year Live-On Requirement

Students may request an exemption for the following reasons:

You may use the chart below to determine whether or not you are eligible for an exemption to the First Year Live-On Requirement.
If you fall in the Exempt Column for any of the reasons, you are able to request an exemption to the requirement.To view the chart, please make a selection below.

First Year Live on Requirement Standard Exemption Reasons

Required to Live on CampusEligible for an Exemption
AgeI will be under the age of 21 prior to the first day of the semester entering Georgia Southern University.I will be over the age of 21 as of or on the first day of the semester entering Georgia Southern University.
Marital StatusI am not married.I am married.
Military ServiceI have less than 1 year of active duty military service.I have 1 year or more of active duty military service or are currently active duty military.
Parent or Primary GuardianI do not have a dependent child or I will not be the primary custodian of my child.I am the primary custodian for a child (under 18).
# of credit hours accepted by Georgia SouthernI have less than 30 hours of accepted academic credit.I have more than 30 hours of accepted academic credit.
ResidencyI do not live with my parents or legal guardians within a 50* mile driving distance to my primary campus.I live with my parents or legal guardians within a 50* mile driving distance to my primary campus:
Statesboro GPS Address - 1332 Southern Drive, Statesboro, GA 30458
Armstrong GPS Address - 11935 Abercorn Street, Savannah, GA 31419

If none of the above pertain to you, and you would still like to make an Extenuating Circumstances request please the link HERE

Last updated: 4/1/2022