Here are some frequently asked questions about OMI. If you can’t find an answer to your question, please contact us at
When can I move in?
Residence hall move in will be structured by utilizing timeslots to select your move-in time. By using the On-Campus Housing Portal at you will need to sign up for a move-in date and time. You can begin signing up for your time starting in mid-to-late July. Email communication will be sent out to students when the timeslot selection process begins. A summary of the available dates and times are listed below:
Statesboro Campus
- Monday, August 7 – Students approved to participate in Sorority Recruitment
- Friday, August 11 – Saturday, August 12 – Students living across campus
Armstrong Campus
- Friday, August 11 – Saturday, August 12 – Students living across campus
After signing up for a move-in timeslot, you will see a Move-In confirmation page. Please print this page and put it in the dash of each of your vehicles to assist with traffic flow on campus on your assigned move-in day. The barcode on the page can be used to check you into your room if you have not yet received your Eagle Card.
What if I need to arrive early?
Please work with your sponsoring campus office — they will be responsible for communicating your early arrival needs to University Housing and then communicating that information back to you.
Where do I go when I check in on campus?
University Housing will confirm actual move-in locations as we get a little closer to the first day of Fall classes. The current plan is that students will check in at a centralized location on campus, get your room key, then go to your building to start moving in. More details are forthcoming.
Can I bring people with me to help me move?
Yes, but please limit it to individuals who are assisting you in your move process. While we understand that going to college is a time of excitement and is a major transition for families, we must limit the number of individuals who are on campus during this experience.
Will there be volunteers to help me move my stuff?
We are currently planning to have volunteers assist with Operation Move-In for the Fall 2023 semester.
Will there be moving bins to assist me?
Current plans allow for us to have a number of moving bins available to assist with the move-in process; however, those bins may be limited by building. You are encouraged to pack efficiently and to bring what you need for the first couple of months of the semester. If you have one available, we encourage you to bring a dolly or cart to assist you.
Do I need to get my Eagle Card prior to moving in?
You are highly encouraged to participate in the online photo submission process to get your Eagle card prior to moving into the residence halls. Many of our buildings use your Eagle Card for door access. Campus resources such as Dining Services and Campus Recreation also use the Eagle Card. You can still request your Eagle Card through July 19, but you are encouraged to submit your photo as soon as possible. More information can be found online at the Eagle Card Services website.
When will my meal plan start?
Meal plans will begin on Friday, August 11th. To learn more about the meal plan options, visit the Eagle Dining website.
What am I allowed to bring to campus?
The Operation Move-In website has information on what to bring or not to bring located here. In addition, each of our residence hall pages at have had 360° virtual tours and measurements of furniture and fixtures uploaded over the last couple of weeks.
Where can I go to purchase a parking permit?
If you have not yet purchased a permit for the Fall 2023 semester, you can do that online at
I still owe money for the Fall semester. Where can I go to pay that?
You may pay online by echeck (a free service) or by MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and Visa (a fee applies). Sign into, look for the Financial Services section, and select $ View/Pay Your Tuition Bill.
When will the next update about move in go out?
Expect the next update to be when the online timeslot window opens in mid-to-late July. You can also follow us on social media at the following links:

Last updated: 12/21/2023