Cathy Skidmore-Hess

Cathy Skidmore-Hess is an Associate Professor in the History Department. She teaches the history of Africa with a focus on southern and west central Africa. Her areas of research are labor, gender, the environment and religion. Dr. Skidmore-Hess is currently completing research on tsetse fly, labor, and land in twentieth century Botswana and religion and gender in 17th and 18th century Angola.
Affiliate Classes:
- Hist 3530-Hist of Africa to 1800
- Hist 3531- Hist of Africa since 1800
- Hist 4530-Revolution and Revelation
- Hist 3030-Special Topics: Modern Southern Africa
- Hist 3030-Special Topics: History and the Environment
- Hist 3030-Special Topics: History and the Social Basis of Health and Healing
- Hist 3030-Special Topics: Africa since 1945
Last updated: 7/22/2022