Model African Union

The National Model African Union (Model AU) is one of the most gratifying educational experiences anyone can have. Model African Union provides a unique opportunity for university and college students to study the role, organization and performance of the African Union through simulation augmented by briefings at African Embassies in Washington, D.C.

More specifically, the National Model African Union is designed:

  • To increase awareness of the role, organization and performance of the African Union
  • To highlight key economic, social and political-security issues facing the African continent
  • To demonstrate the patterns of cooperation and conflict between the AU and the United Nations
  • To generate understanding of the multi-various determinants, capabilities, and constraints that shape the foreign policies of Member States of the African Union
  • To demonstrate the patterns of cooperation and conflict characterizing intra-African diplomacy
  • To highlight the impact of major power global policies on economic, social and political-security issues facing the African continent as well as attempts to influence the policies of major powers in matters of common concern
  • To demonstrate the need for effective diplomatic, economic, and military cooperative action in an unfolding crisis situation
  • Contact Dr. Cathy Skidmore-Hess for more information.

Last updated: 10/21/2022