Policies and Procedures

Ordering Tickets

There are several ways to order advance tickets (based on availability): Calling 912-344-2801, visiting us from noon-3 p.m. weekdays or click the Ticketing tab above.

Subject to Change

Programs and schedule are subject to change.

Armstrong Box Office Ticketing Policy


All sales are final. No refunds or exchanges. In the event of a cancellation for which there is no rescheduled date, a refund for this ticket may be issued at the option of the management.
“Will Call” tickets may be obtained at the event site beginning one hour prior to start time.

Condition of Sale

No refunds or exchanges. The resale of ticket for more than its face value without the written consent of the owner/manager is prohibited by law. You assume all risk and danger incidental to the event whether occurring prior to, during, or after said show. You assume all risk and danger of being injured and you agree that the management, its agents, and the performers are not responsible or liable for any injuries resulting from such causes. No alcohol, drugs, weapons, food, or glass containers allowed. No recording devices, still cameras, or video cameras permitted. No transmission or aiding in transmitting any description, account, picture, or reproduction of the event in part or in totality. You hereby consent to the reasonable search for alcoholic beverages, drugs, or weapons. You further consent to the use of your image or likeness incidental to any display, transmission, or reproduction of the event. Management reserves the right to refuse admission or eject any person whose conduct is deemed by management to be disorderly or who fails to comply with the terms and conditions herein.

Armstrong Campus Patron Ticket Rate Categories

(discounts offered to some or all of the groups below; discount amount varies per event)
*** All ticket rates are based on the availability of the tickets per event.

The following guidelines are descriptions designed to help clarify the various ticket pricing and discount categories recognized by the Armstrong Box Office. These guidelines are intended to facilitate ticketing sales to members of each listed group. Check specific event listing to determine which groups are eligible for discounts per event.

Regular admission: Regularly priced and advertised ticket rate. For general admission seating events, this also refers to the seat location preferences.

Senior citizen: Discount ticket rate offered to patrons who are age 62 and older. Patrons must present photo identification, preferably driver’s license, to the ticket salesperson at time of ticket purchase, or in the case of an on-line purchase, patrons must present photo I.D. to box office manager upon arrival to the ticketed event. Rate only applies to those patrons who meet the age qualification.

United States Military: Discount ticket rate offered to patrons who are current or retired members of the United States military forces and their dependents. Rate only apply to tickets for qualifying military and dependents. Patrons must present military photo identification to the ticket salesperson at time of ticket purchase, or in the case of an on-line purchase, patrons must present military photo I.D. to box office manager upon arrival to the ticketed event.
Student/Child: Discount ticket rate offered to patrons who are current students in high school or college/university and all young people age 17 and under. Ticket patrons must present valid school photo identification to the ticket salesperson at time of ticket purchase, or in the case of an on-line purchase, patrons must present valid school photo I.D. to box office manager upon arrival to the ticketed event.

Georgia Southern University and Armstrong State University Alumni: Discount ticket rate offered to current Georgia Southern Alumni Association and Armstrong Alumni Association members. Ticket patrons must present valid Georgia Southern Alumni Association or Armstrong Alumni Association identification to the ticket salesperson at time of ticket purchase, or in the case of an on-line purchase, patrons must present valid Georgia Southern Alumni Association or Armstrong Alumni Association I.D. to box office employee upon arrival to the ticketed event.

Georgia Southern University Student: Discount ticket rate offered to currently registered Georgia Southern students. Students must present own valid Georgia Southern student EagleCard to the ticket salesperson at time of ticket purchase/reservation. Free tickets to Georgia Southern students are not available online or over the phone sales; students may purchase/obtain ticket in-person during operating hours at the daytime Fine Arts Lobby box office or at the ticket booth upon arrival to the ticketed event. Georgia Southern student rate only applies to currently enrolled Georgia Southern students. One Georgia Southern student ticket per Georgia Southern student EagleCard.

Georgia Southern University faculty/staff: Discount ticket rate offered to current Georgia Southern faculty/staff. Faculty/staff member must present own valid Georgia Southern EagleCard to the ticket salesperson at time of ticket purchase/reservation. Free tickets to Georgia Southern faculty/staff members are not available through online sales; faculty/staff member may send a detailed written request at least one business day in advance of the event via Georgia Southern e-mail account to armstrongboxoffice@georgiasouthern.edu. Faculty/staff may also send a detailed written request at least two business days in advance of the event via Georgia Southern campus mail, ATTN: ARMSTRONG CAMPUS BOX OFFICE; or may purchase/obtain ticket in-person during operating hours at the daytime Fine Arts Lobby box office or at the ticket booth upon arrival to the ticketed event. Georgia Southern rate only applies to current Georgia Southern faculty/staff. One Georgia Southern faculty/staff rate ticket per Georgia Southern faculty/staff EagleCard.

Group Sales Policy

For group ticketing information and pricing, please call Lauren Schwan at 912-344-2801 or e-mail armstrongfinearts@georgiasouthern.edu.


Guarantee of Seat Policy
Tickets are reserved upon receipt of payment. Unless otherwise stated ticketing is for general admission seating and the house doors will open 30 minutes prior to event scheduled start time. Seats are guaranteed until 10 minutes prior to the designated event’s scheduled start, at which time The Fine Arts Box Office reserves the right to release any unclaimed seats for re-sale. Ticket-holding patrons should be seated at 10 minutes before event start time.

Seating During Event
All patrons must be seated during the event; one ticket per patron, one patron per seat. No patrons are permitted to stand in the aisles or at the back of the house. Late arriving patrons will be permitted to enter the performance at the discretion of the staff and at an appropriate time during the performance. Expect for Jenkins Hall Black Box Shows, no late seating will be permitted

Ordering Tickets
There are several ways to order advance tickets (based on availability). Please read carefully:

On-line purchases: may be made by going to the ticketing tab above. There is a per-ticket convenience surcharge for this option. Visa and MasterCard only, please.

By phone: call 912-344-2801 between the hours of 12 noon and 3 p.m. , holidays and weekends excluded, to purchase tickets with Visa or MasterCard.

By mail: mail payment (check payable to Georgia Southern University) and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the Armstrong Box Office, 11935 Abercorn Street, Savannah GA 31419-1997. Include a note indicating your best phone contact number and email address, which performance and performance date requested, and the number of tickets in each price category. Select the ticketing tab above to view ticket categories. Close the window to cancel the transaction.

In person: visit the Armstrong Fine Arts Hall Lobby Box Office (Room 135) between the hours of noon and 3 p.m., holidays and weekends excluded. Purchase tickets by cash, check, Visa, or MasterCard via this option.

Tickets at the door
Based on availability. On-site box office sales open one-hour prior to performance start time at the designated performance venue. Purchase tickets by cash, check, Visa, or MasterCard via this option

Last updated: 1/11/2021