Become a Sponsor

Georgia Southern University has long received wonderful support and school spirit from our alumni, friends and businesses. Eagle Nation on Parade expresses the Georgia Southern True Blue spirit and enthusiasm while boosting the area’s economy. This public art project provides significant visibility to Bulloch County and it’s surrounding areas and a partnership with the University from which businesses, organizations, and individuals will all benefit.

Who Can Sponsor Eagle Nation on Parade?

Anyone may become part of Eagle Nation on Parade by sponsoring an eagle. Businesses, individuals, organizations, families, schools… By sponsoring an Eagle, you are making a positive statement about Statesboro and Georgia Southern University.

Types of SponsorshipsCommissioned
EligibilityAnyoneCivic OrganizationsAnyone
Owns SculptureIcon_check copyIcon_check copyIcon_check copy
Personalized Call for ArtistsIcon_check copyIcon_check copyIcon_check copy
Works with ArtistIcon_check copyIcon_check copyIcon_check copy
Choice of Sculpture's TitleIcon_check copyIcon_check copyIcon_check copy
Artist Material Stipend$100$100$100
Artist CommissionIcon_check copyIcon_check copyIcon_check copy
Delivery & InstallationIcon_check copyIcon_check copyIcon_check copy
RecognitionIcon_check copyIcon_check copyIcon_check copy
PlaqueIcon_check copyIcon_check copyIcon_check copy
Clear CoatIcon_check copyIcon_check copyIcon_check copy
UpkeepIcon_check copyIcon_check copyIcon_check copy


Branding . Media Coverage . Revenue Generation . Community Involvement.

The Eagle Nation on Parade marketing and public relations campaign will get consumers on the streets participating in this public art project. The media loves positive public art projects – via newspapers, television, radio, e-marketing, and more – sponsors will enjoy consumer awareness, traffic, and revenues through this highly visible and memorable project.

Compare running a magazine ad or billboard to the sponsorship investment in the Eagle Nation on Parade project. Your business will benefit for years through your association with a positive community project. And… the local economy, hotels, restaurants and shops will benefit from increased traffic when people come down to see these beautiful works of art on display in Statesboro.

Soaring Recognition!

Founding sponsors are applauded with:

  • Extensive marketing and public relations campaign, from your name/logo in all marketing materials to link from our website to yours
  • Marketing rights to use Eagle Nation On Parade and your eagle in your own promotional efforts and events
  • Eagle Nation on Parade plaque commemorating you as the sponsor, your artist and the eagle’s name, affixed to the eagle’s base
  • Face-to-face recognition when visitors stop to see your eagle

Last updated: 3/14/2022