Bulloch County’s Family Tree

Bulloch County's Family Tree


Statesboro Regional Library
124 S Main St, Statesboro, GA 30458

Flight Path

Visitors of this eagle can explore the rich framework that built the local community. Bulloch County Family Tree serves as pictorial history of the county’s most influential people and places. Look closely; you are sure to see something new every time!

Meet the Artist

artist_foxx-150x150A native of Savannah, Scott Foxx moved to Statesboro three years ago to pursue a Master of Fine Arts degree at Georgia Southern. The son of two teachers, one an artist in his own right, Foxx’s aspiration is to teach art on the college level. Foxx examines art with an eye to embracing history and its affect on the present through a contemporary style emulating such folk artists as Willie Tarver, Mose Tolliver and Bob Thompson.

Scott Foxx

Meet the Sponsor 

Bulloch History

Last updated: 3/14/2022