Faculty and Staff


Machelle Moore
Administrative Assistant
Armstrong Campus

Faculty Resources (A GS Login is required for all links within this section)


Search to find information in any column. Click on the faculty member’s name for additional information about their courses, research and websites.

Name and TitleArea of InterestLocation
Dr. Robert Batchelor

Chair and Professor
Comparative World, Environmental History, Digital History and Digital HumanitiesStatesboro and Armstrong Campuses
Armstrong Campus
Dr. Olavi Arens
Russia and East Central EuropeArmstrong Campus
Dr. Allison Belzer
European History, War and Society, BiographyArmstrong Campus
Dr. Christopher Curtis
Law and Property Rights in the Age of Revolution, English Common Law, Liberalism, Capitalism, RevolutionsArmstrong Campus
Dr. Michael R. Hall
Latin America, US Foreign RelationsArmstrong Campus
Dr. Christopher E. Hendricks
Early America, Public HistoryArmstrong Campus
Dr. Kurt Knoerl
Associate Professor
Digital History, Public History, Maritime History, Maritime Archaeology, Material Culture, and Native American History.Armstrong Campus
Dr. Kwaku Nti
Associate Professor
African Diaspora, Atlantic World History, African History, African American HistoryArmstrong Campus
Dr. Bennett Parten
Assistant Professor
19th Century U.S., the Politics of Slavery, Abolition, the Civil War and ReconstructionArmstrong Campus
Dr. Jason Tatlock
Middle Eastern and Mediterranean HistoryArmstrong Campus
Dr. James Todesca
Associate Professor
Institutional and economic development of Europe and the Mediterranean, c.1000-1350Armstrong Campus
Dr. Felicity M. Turner
Associate Professor
U.S. Legal history; history of medicine; women, gender, and sexuality; law and societyArmstrong Campus
Dr. Hongjie Wang
Associate Professor
China, Japan, Asia, Food CultureArmstrong Campus
Statesboro Campus
Dr. Ahmet Serdar Akturk
Associate Professor
Middle EastStatesboro Campus
Dr. William Thomas Allison
U.S. Diplomatic & MilitaryStatesboro Campus
Dr. Jeffrey Burson
Early Modern and Modern France, European EnlightenmentStatesboro Campus
Dr. Chris Caplinger
Assistant Professor and Undergraduate Coordinator
Segregation in the United States, U.S. South, U.S. PresidencyStatesboro Campus
Dr. Kathleen M. Comerford
Professor & Pre-Law Advisor
Reformation, European ReligionStatesboro Campus
Dr. Julie de Chantal
Associate Professor & Public History Program Coordinator
African American History, Women
Statesboro Campus
Dr. Lisa Denmark
US South, Georgia History
Statesboro Campus
Dr. Alan C. Downs
Associate Professor
Graduate Director
Civil War, US West , American IndianStatesboro Campus
Dr. Brian K. Feltman
Modern Germany, War and Society, MasculinityStatesboro Campus
Dr. Melissa Faris
Senior Lecturer
Soviet Union, and 20th century world historyStatesboro Campus
Dr. Michelle Haberland
Labor, Gender, US South, 20th CenturyStatesboro Campus
Dr. Carol Herringer
Gender history, Early Modern and Modern BritainStatesboro Campus
Dr. Mao Lin
Associate Professor
American Foreign Relations; American Presidency; U.S.-China Relations; Modern China; World HistoryStatesboro Campus
Dr. Johnathan O’Neill
American Constitutional and Legal History; American Political ThoughtStatesboro Campus
Dr. Juanjuan Peng
Social and Economic History of Modern China, Business HistoryStatesboro Campus
Dr. Alena Pirok
Associate Professor
Public History, Museum History, U.S. HistoryStatesboro Campus
Dr. Cathy Skidmore-Hess
Associate Professor
Africa, Environmental, Gender, ReligionStatesboro Campus
Dr. Solomon Smith
Associate Professor
Colonial America, American Revolution, Golden Age of Piracy, Military HistoryStatesboro Campus
Dr. Drew Swanson
Jack N. and Addie D. Averitt Distinguished Professor of Southern History
U.S. South, environment, agriculture, public historyStatesboro Campus
Dr. Brent Tharp
Georgia Southern University Museum
Museum StudiesStatesboro Campus
Dr. Timothy Teeter
Associate Professor
Ancient Greece and Rome, Early Christianity, and Late Antiquity.Statesboro Campus
Dr. Michael Van Wagenen
Associate Professor & Internship Coordinator
Public HistoryStatesboro Campus

Professors Emeritus

Dr. Clement Charlton MoseleyProfessor of History (1996)
Dr. Jimmy GrossProfessor of History (1967-1997)
Dr. Ray T. ShurbuttProfessor of History (1997)
Dr. George H. ShriverProfessor of History (1999)
Dr. George Hewett (“Hew”) JoinerProfessor of History and Director Emeritus, Bell Honors Program (2002)
Dr. George Pruden Professor of History (1982-2002)
Dr. Janet Stone Professor of History (1975-2007)
Dr. Nancy White Professor of History (1994-2010)
Dr. Vernon O. EggerProfessor of History (1983-2012)
Dr. Tom Howard Professor of History (1993-2012)
Dr. Charles S. ThomasProfessor of History (1983-2012)
Dr. Al YoungProfessor of History (1988-2012)
Dr. Donald A. RakestrawProfessor of History (1983-2013)
Dr. Barbara Fertig Professor of History (1992-2016)
Dr. Michael Price Professor of History (1993-2016)
Dr. June Hopkins Professor of History (1998-2016)
Dr. Emerson Thomas McMullenAssociate Professor (1991-2017)
Dr. Anastatia Hodgens SimsProfessor of History (1987-2019)
Dr. Paul A. RodellProfessor of History (1992-2020)
Dr. Jonathan BryantProfessor of History (1996-2021)
Dr. James WoodsProfessor of History (1988-2021)

In Memoriam

Dr. Craig H. Roell (1954-2020)Professor
Dr. Charles Patrick Crouch (1954-2010)Associate Professor of History
Dr. George A. Rogers (1918-2010)Associate Professor of History
Dr. Roger K. Warlick (1930-1998)Professor of History
Dr. Michael Benjamin (July 2020)Associate Professor 
Dr. John Duncan (September 2023)Professor

Last updated: 7/2/2024