georgia french program français

Learn French

Bachelor of Arts in World Languages and Cultures, Concentration in French Studies

Format: In person on the Statesboro Campus and online
Credit Hours: 124

Get ready to speak French!

Get ready to speak the international language of fine art, fashion, cuisine, and theatre.

French is the only other language besides English that’s spoken on all continents. French is truly a global language. That’s why French is the second most frequently taught language in the world after English. French is also one of the two official languages of the United Nations, the European Union, and Nato.

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paris street for georgia french program

Why Learn French at Georgia Southern?

  • French is spoken on all continents and by more than 300 million people in 43 countries.
  • French is a primary language for international relations, including the United Nations, UNESCO, NATO, the European Union, the International Olympic Committee, international courts, and the International Red Cross.
  • French is predicted to become the first language in the world by 2050 due to the growth of French-speaking countries in Africa.
  • French is a primary world language of cuisine, fashion, science, literature, history, personal care products, architecture, theatre, arts, and dance.
  • As one of the world’s largest economies and a leading destination for foreign investment, France is a key economic partner to the US in industries such as retail, automotive, luxury goods, aeronautics, and more.
  • French is useful when traveling to Belgium, Switzerland, Canada, Monaco, several African nations, the Seychelles and, of course, France!
  • Oh là là ! French is widely considered one of the sexiest languages in the world.

What Can You Do With a Major in French?

French speakers are in high demand in the Western world. If you have achieved fluency or professional working proficiency in French, you will have a leg up in the job market for many different positions such as:

  • Travel and Tourism: Airline Services, Booking and Reservations, Cruise Lines Services, Ecotourism, Management, Translation/interpretation, Travel Services/guidance, Flight Attendant, Hotel Employee, Tour Guide, Tourist Office
  • Interpretation/Translation: Business, Conference, Escort/Guide, Interpretation (Simultaneous and Consecutive), Judiciary (Court), Translation (Legal, Literary, Localization, Machine, Medical, Technical)
  • Gastronomy/Culinary Arts
  • Education: Administration, Historian, International Houses or Cultural Centers, International Student Services, K-12 French Teacher, Linguistics, Student Affairs, Study Abroad Programs, Tutor, University Professor
  • Service: Churches, Civil Service, Counseling, Health Services, Hospitals, Library Science, Mission Work, Nonprofit or Public Interest Law, Social Work
  • Government and Military: Civil Service, Customs, Diplomacy, Foreign Service, Immigration/Naturalization, Intelligence, Journalism/Broadcasting, Language Analysis, Law Enforcement, Linguistics, Security and Protection, Translation/Interpretation
  • Business: Customer Service, International Sales, Logistics (import/export), Marketing for Foreign Markets
  • Industry and Commerce: Administrative Management, Advertising and Marketing, Aerospace, Banking/Finance, Car Resources, Computer and Software, Consulting, Customer Services, Engineering/Technical, Human Software Transportation, Importing/Exporting, Law, Logistics, Manufacturing, Operations, Research, Sales, Translation/Interpretation
  • Sciences: research in the fields of energy (nuclear), cosmetics, medicine, and bio-pharmacy are particularly in high demand
  • Art, Media and Entertainment: Advertising and Marketing, Animation, Art History, Fashion, Film Making, Graphic Design, Jewelry, Journalism/Broadcasting (TV, Radio, Internet), Museum Work, Photography, Publishing/Editing, Public Relations, Translation/Interpretation, Writing and Copy Editing
  • Sports: Consulting, Management, Training
  • Environmental Firms
Chloe McLellan, french at georgia southern student testimonial

Chloé McLellan
Major: Bachelor of Arts, Modern Languages: French
Career: Flight Attendant for Spirit Airlines

Through studying French at Georgia Southern University, I was granted opportunities to learn and grow that have shaped who I am today. Working in the airline industry, being bilingual has proven to be extremely beneficial. From French passengers exploring the United States, Central and South America, and the Caribbean to Haitian passengers on flights back home, speaking French allows me to help make traveling an enjoyable experience for those who may not speak English fluently. As a student, I was fortunate enough to be able to study abroad in France twice. These opportunities sparked a love of travel that I am now lucky enough to do on a daily basis. Getting the chance to be a foreigner in an unfamiliar country taught me the importance of patience, tolerance, and independence. I learned first hand that we are all much more alike than we are different, regardless of race or religion. I am extremely grateful to my French professors, who served as influential mentors throughout my time at Georgia Southern. They prepared me for where I am today by encouraging my curiosity to explore, teaching me how to effectively communicate with target audiences with confidence, and encouraging me to embrace cultural differences.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates job growth for interpreters and translators will be much faster than average through 2029. –

French is ranked on the Power Language Index as the 3rd most important language based on: number of native speakers, economic output of native speakers and the importance of the language in world diplomacy. –

Nine out of ten U.S. employers report a reliance on U.S.-based employees with language skills other than English. –

French Language Curriculum

Foundation French Courses

  • Elementary French I
    Introduction to listening, speaking, reading, and writing in French with further study of the culture of French-speaking regions.
  • Elementary French II
    Continued listening, speaking, reading, and writing in French with further study of the culture of French-speaking regions.
  • Accelerated Elementary French
    An accelerated introduction to listening, speaking, reading, and writing in French and to the culture of French-speaking regions. Completes the elementary levels of French in one semester.
  • Intermediate French I
    Building upon communication skills (understanding, speaking, reading, and writing French) and cultural understanding, developed at the elementary level.
  • Intermediate French II
    Continued focus on communication skills and cultural understanding.
  • Accelerated Intermediate French
    Accelerated intermediate French with continued work on listening, speaking, reading, and writing in French and the culture of French-speaking regions. Completes the intermediate levels of French in one semester.
  • Intermediate Conversation
    A study of conversational techniques, integrating grammatical structures and appropriate vocabulary. Emphasis is given to practicing spoken French and to using audio programs to increase listening comprehension. Attention is also given to pronunciation and phonetics.
  • Senior Seminar
    An all-inclusive communication skills course. This course focuses on the four basic skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing. It is designed to access and reinforce the skills the students have acquired as a French major. Required of all French majors.

Additional French Courses

Advanced Study

  • Advanced French Conversation
    An advanced study of spoken and written French, with emphasis on oral and written communication strategies, including the interpersonal and presentational modes, for communication in Francophone contexts. Attention is given to the grammatical structure of language.
  • Advanced French Composition
    An advanced study of grammar, syntax, and vocabulary with refinement of writing skills through composition.
  • Advanced Grammar
    This course will help students improve their accuracy in French through an intensive review of major grammatical structures. Students will practice all four skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) in a variety of contexts, such as narration in different time frames, description, supported opinion, argumentation, expressing wishes, and giving advice. Conducted in French.
  • French Phonetics and Phonology
    This course will help students better their pronunciation and understanding of the French language through an in-depth analysis of sounds and the rules that govern French as it is spoken around the world today. Students will learn how sounds are produced, which sounds belong to the French language, and how spelling relates to pronunciation. Conducted in French.

Business and Applied

  • Business in the French-Speaking World
    A study of business practices in the French-speaking world. Diverse authentic media sources will be used. Emphasis will be put on leadership, correspondence, innovative ideas, as well as team-building, ethics, and soft skills in the business world. Conducted in French.
  • French for Professions
    This course is designed to provide students with language and cultural skills to work effectively in diverse fields of the global economy, such as tourism, medicine, fashion, or the food industry. Students will enhance their communication skills, learn how to tailor new vocabulary for specific professions, and construct documentation necessary for workplace success. Through class activities, students will simulate real work situations. Conducted in French.
  • French for Science and Technology
    This advanced course is designed to improve French skills in the sciences. Students will explore innovative areas of scientific study, while expanding their speaking, reading, and writing skills needed to share scientific information within a community. Students will learn about French scientists, the history of science, impacts and effects of scientific phenomena, cause and effect, while developing their own research skills. Conducted in French.
  • Medical French
    Language and cultural barriers may interfere with the ability to provide high quality care to patients. That’s why effective communication is essential in healthcare professions. This course is specifically designed to include healthcare topics, such as communication strategies, basic commands, food and drink, good cheer, visiting hours and family, patient orientation and comfort, pain and discomfort, symptoms and treatment, prevention, instructions and medications, numbers and tests, basic procedures, hospital regulations, insurance and payment. Conducted in French.
  • Translation: Theory and Practice
    Students will explore different approaches to translation and develop an understanding of the links between theory and practice. The frameworks introduced in this course are applied to real-life translation examples, such as corporate advertising, media, video, speech, documents, forms, etc. Translation topics will include: linguistic and cultural interpretations, translation behavior, collaborative translation, and translation tools. Students will also develop an awareness of the wider cultural, ethical, and professional contexts of translation. Conducted in French.


  • French Conversation
    This course will help students develop their oral communication skills, from leaving an informal voicemail to participating in an academic debate. Attention is also given to grammatical structures. Conducted in French.
  • Great Debates
    This course offers an opportunity for students to improve their speaking and listening abilities. Using French language skills, students will engage in thematic discussions, prepare structured arguments for a variety of historical and contemporary topics, which may be social, political, or cultural in nature. Conducted in French.

Literature and Writing

  • Approaches to Literature
    An introductory study of the major literary genres and movements from the Middle Ages through the present, as well as an analysis of basic literary terms and figurative language. Texts will include works of prose, poetry, and theater. Conducted in French.
  • Creative Writing
    This course offers an introduction to creative writing in French. Using their French language skills, students can expect to work on producing elements of personal narratives, fictional accounts, poetry, and other creative narratives. Throughout the semester, students will work on aspects of the creative process including the crafting of a story, elements of narrative writing, style, rewriting, and editing. Coursework will include in-class discussion, writing workshops, peer-review, and editing, as well as reading and writing assignments. Conducted in French.
  • Francophone Literature
    Students will engage with different historical, artistic, political, and philosophical approaches to the literature of the French-speaking world. This course may include themes of diaspora, exile, immigration, independence, creativity, identity, human rights, autonomy, and language. Conducted in French.
  • French Literature I
    An overview of major literary works, authors, and movements within France from the Middle Ages through the Seventeenth Century. Readings may include tales of the knights of the Round Table, fables, poems, essays, and classic comedies and tragedies. Conducted in French.
  • French Literature II
    An overview of major literary works, authors, and movements from the Eighteenth Century through the Twentieth Century. Students will analyze a variety of topics from the philosophy of the French Revolution to the art of the graphic novel. Conducted in French.
  • French Poetry
    A study of French poetry by major movements, from the late Middle Ages to the present, with an emphasis on reading strategies and poetic techniques and interpretation. Oral reports and discussions. Written analysis (explication de texte). Conducted in French.
  • French Through Literature: The Short Story
    Continued development of all five language competencies through the study of selected short stories representative of the main periods and styles. Course work includes oral reading, writing, and grammar activities. Conducted in French.
  • Great Thinkers in French Studies
    A study of influential philosophers, writers, and artists whose ideas changed world history. Emphasis on written and spoken French. Conducted in French.
  • Techniques in Writing
    In this course students develop and practice written communication skills from informal messages to academic writing. Emphasis is also given to reviewing grammar in the context of written language. Conducted in French.

Media, Arts and Culture

  • Contemporary France:
    An in-depth study of present-day France, including its institutions, daily life, current events, and place in Europe and the world. Students will learn about the French way of life through the use of authentic materials (newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, and the Internet). Conducted in French.
  • Francophone Cinema
    Continued development of all five language competencies (listening, speaking, reading, writing, and culture) with a focus on Francophone cinema. This course may include themes of diaspora, exile, immigration, independence, creativity, identity, human rights, autonomy, and language. Conducted in French.
  • Francophone Cultures
    French is spoken in a variety of countries, on different continents, due to either cultural heritage or historical past. Understanding and analyzing the diverse Francophone cultures and civilizations will be an integral part of this course. Topics discussed will include traditions, food, daily life, history, society, art, and cinema of the societies involved. Conducted in French.
  • French Culture and Civilization I
    A study of French culture and civilization from the first men who inhabited the caves of Southern France to the magnificent spectacle of Versailles. Students will discover the way of life of each epoch by analyzing its art, political discourse, architecture, literature, and customs.This course covers Prehistoric times, the Roman era, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Grand Siècle of the Sun King. Conducted in French.
  • French Culture and Civilization II
    In the past three centuries, France has lived through numerous revolutionary regime changes: monarchies, empires, republics, Vichy. This course will evaluate how these changes came to be, and how the culture and identity of France have been transformed. Students will discover the way of life of each epoch by analyzing art, politics, architecture, literature, and customs.This course spans the Enlightenment to the mid-twentieth century. Conducted in French.
  • French Media
    Increasingly, we use media to better understand the world around us. In this interdisciplinary and collaborative course, students will develop creative media projects, gain critical thinking and writing skills. Subjects of study include: the argument in media, formal analysis, media criticism, censorship, and the history of media (print media, photography, film, radio, television, and digital media). This course offers an in-depth examination of the first filmmakers in history, the Lumière brothers, and freedom of expression cases, such as Je Suis Charlie. A significant emphasis will be put on mass media and its impact upon public opinion, that’s why following current events will be essential. Conducted in French.
  • French Through Film
    This course gives students a synthetic vision of the history of French cinema, since its invention by the Lumière brothers until today. A diverse range of cinematic genres (comedy, science-fiction, drama, documentary) and movements (l’avant-garde, les années noires et grises, la Nouvelle Vague) will underline profound cultural transformations in the French speaking world. Students will also analyze basic concepts of cinema, such as directing, production, sound, film-narrative, lighting, and editing. Conducted in French.
  • French through the Arts
    French Art is one of the major attractions of France as a cultural tourist destination. People come from all over the world to admire cathedrals, mosaics, châteaux, museums, sculptures, tapestries, music festivals, and plays, their stunning artistic and cultural value in general. In the nineteenth century, Paris became the world capital of art and it was here that modern European art was born, leading to a reexamination of the meaning and purpose of art. This course will explore some of the greatest names (Leonardo da Vinci, Monet, Rodin…) and the development of art through its historic movements (Medieval, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Modern…). Over the centuries, France has contributed extensively to the common cultural heritage of humanity. Conducted in French.
  • Great Thinkers in French Studies
    A study of influential philosophers, writers, and artists whose ideas changed world history. Emphasis on written and spoken French. Conducted in French.
  • Made in France: The French Brand
    While brands are a relatively new concept in the history of civilization, the French have long used material culture to display and export their ideas and values. Versailles was Europe’s first runway, aristocracy French clothes, jewelry, cosmetics, and even philosophy, for the rest of the world to see, admire, and desire. If the logos of Chanel and Louis Vuitton have replaced the family crests of the Valois or Bourbon houses, contemporary French brands persevere at the forefront of luxury, science, gastronomy, technology, and the arts. This course will examine how France has marketed itself as a nation for the past three centuries and how today’s French brands continue to (re)create and export France’s identity to the world. Conducted in French.
  • Performing French
    This course will focus on helping students improve in spoken French through performance and presentation. Students will use French to create formal presentations, such as the great monologues from classical theater, and informally, for applications such as developing a French language YouTube channel. Using French language skills, students will work on pronunciation and increase their language production. Materials for the course may include Poetry, theater, film (portions), and song. Conducted in French.
  • Your Turn! Games in French
    Playing a game requires a large array of cognitive and linguistic skills: understanding and explaining rules, reasoning and strategizing, negotiating and bartering with other players, producing information and creating story-lines, etc. This course uses games to encourage students to become more proficient and creative in French. Games may include word games (Pyramid, Scattergories), board games (Carcassonne, Monopoly), role-playing games, React to the Past games, card games (Loup-Garou), and many more. Conducted in French.

Already know some French? View the Language Course Placement Guide.

Minor in French

Having a minor in French will allow you to communicate intra-, inter- and trans-culturally. You’ll be able to adapt to different environments, be more sensitive to diversity and think more critically.

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS)
French Concentration

The Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) program at Georgia Southern University delivers a core curriculum with the freedom to choose from a variety of concentrations both on-campus and online. This multi-disciplinary degree is tailored to students interested in combining a liberal arts background with a flexible amount of specialization. 

french study abroad experience for french ba program at georgia southern

Learn French Through a Study Abroad Experience in France

France is a beautiful country with medieval cities, alpine villages and Mediterranean beaches. It’s renowned for its wines and sophisticated cuisine. It’s famed for fashion, art museums such as the Louvre, and iconic monuments such as the Eiffel Tower. Lascaux’s ancient cave drawings, the medieval abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel, and the splendor of the Palace of Versailles attest to France’s rich history and culture. 

The destination city of the study abroad program in France regularly changes to allow for exploration of France through multiple study abroad experiences to expand your understanding of the French language and culture.

Cities You Can Experience:

  • Bordeaux
  • Lyon
  • Rouen
  • Tours

About the Rouen, France Study Abroad Experience

Rouen, the capital of the province of Normandy, is a port city of approximately 100,000 people on the River Seine, just north of Paris. One of the most prosperous cities of medieval Europe, Rouen still boasts a cobblestoned pedestrian center with half-timbered houses from the Middle Ages. Its rich history also includes the soaring spires of the Cathédrale-Notre-Dame, much painted by Impressionist artist Claude Monet, and the beaches of Normandy just north of Rouen, site of the heroic D-Day invasion by the Allied forces in 1944.

You will experience:

  • The unforgettable Mont-Saint-Michel, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • The historic World War II D-Day beaches of Normandy
  • The village of Giverny, home and inspiration to the famous Impressionist painter Claude Monet

The Alliance Française of Rouen-Normandy is part of a global network of language institutes in 132 countries that offers students at all levels, including beginners, the opportunity to learn French through a communicative and interactive approach. Accredited by the French government, the Alliance Française provides a firsthand experience with the language and culture of France to people from all over the world.

Study Abroad Curriculum

  • Six credit hours of lower or upper division courses
  • A series of assignments, both oral and in writing
  • As part of your immersion experience, each morning, Monday-Friday, in small groups, you will spend four hours practicing your language skills with native speakers who are trained in teaching their language to foreigners.
french ba program student club students holding paintings of Eiffel tower

French Language Clubs, Events and Student Activities

  • French Club
    The goal of the French club is to promote French culture. It organizes meetings and varieties of cultural events throughout the year. Look for posting on campus and contact the Department of World Languages and Cultures for more information.
  • La Table Française
    Students studying French meet regularly every semester to practice French in a casual setting and have fun! Look for postings on campus and check with French faculty for more information.
  • Internship
    Georgia Southern University offers a competitive nine-month teaching internship in a secondary school in Saumur, France (the Loire Valley).
  • French Week at Georgia Southern
    Celebrate the history, culture and contributions of the French community during the annual French Week, featuring a series of lectures, performances, meals and more.
  • Pi Delta Phi National French Honor Society, Zeta Rho Chapter
    Pi Delta Phi, the National French Honor Society allows you to associate with the most motivated students of French.
Pi Delta Phi National French Honor Society

About Pi Delta Phi

Pi Delta Phi logo

Pi Delta Phi, the National French Honor Society, was founded at the University of California, Berkeley in 1906. It is the oldest national academic honor society for a foreign language in the United States. The Zeta Rho Chapter at Georgia Southern University began in 1970.

Pi Delta Phi Scholarships

As a regular member of Pi Delta Phi, students are eligible to apply for several generous scholarships ($4000-$8000) for summer study in France and Québec. The annual awards are designed to enable undergraduate regular members of an active chapter to continue their studies of the French language and of the literatures and cultures of the French-speaking world. Complete scholarship information, eligibility requirements and an application form are available on the national website.

November 1 – Deadline for Regular members to apply for scholarships for Summer Study Abroad.

Pi Delta Phi Membership

Membership in this honor society is a privilege that will play an important part in a resume, and membership gives students a chance to associate with the most motivated students of French. In order to be eligible for nomination, undergraduate students must be sophomores, must have completed at least one semester of a 3000-level or higher course in French, and have a 3.0 GPA in French, 3.3 GPA overall, AND rank in the top 35% of their class. National one-time dues for a lifetime membership are:

  • Premium Regular $50.00 (certificate, pin and honor cords in blue, white, and red)
  • Regular $40.00 (pin and certificate)
  • Premium Honorary $35.00 (for faculty only, pin, certificate, and honor cords in blue, white, and red)
  • Honorary $25.00 (for faculty only, pin, and certificate)
  • A $5.00 fee is included in the prices listed above. The fee is collected from all members for local activities and expenses

If you meet the above requirements and would like to become a Pi Delta Phi member, complete the application form and make the payment through Marketplace.

October 15 – Deadline for the Fall Semester to return the membership form, unofficial transcript, and payment.

March 15 – Deadline for the Spring Semester to return the membership form, unofficial transcript, and payment.

Induction Ceremony

The new Pi Delta Phi members will be inducted each semester in November and April.

For more information, Contact:

Dr. Olga Amarie
Moderator of ZETA RHO Chapter of Pi Delta Phi
Professor of French
Interdisciplinary Academic Building #2074
Phone: 912-478-1373

French Language Faculty

The French faculty at Georgia Southern are very personable. They bring enthusiasm and varied instructional and assessment approaches to the classroom.

Our four faculty members offer a diverse range of perspectives and areas of expertise, such as contemporary culture, film, business, comparative literature or fantastic literature.

Have Any Questions? Please Contact Us!

Dr. Olga Amarie
Interdisciplinary Academic Building #2074
Phone: 912-478-1373

View the full French faculty >


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Last updated: 5/18/2023