Dr. Noriko Mori-Kolbe

Kolbe NorikoSenior Lecturer of Japanese

Email: nkolbe@georgiasouthern.edu
Phone: 912-478-0241
Office: Interdisciplinary Academic Building #2061

B.A., Kyoto Women’s University
M.M.E., University of Kansas
Ph.D., University of Kansas

About Dr. Mori-Kolbe

Noriko Mori-Kolbe grew up in Japan. She received a B.A. from Kyoto Women’s University in Japan. She completed both her Master’s in Music Education and Music Therapy and her Ph.D. in Foreign Language Education at the University of Kansas. Noriko also completed her teaching credential program at California State University at Long Beach and obtained a California teaching license in Japanese language and in music. At Georgia Southern University she teaches courses in Japanese languages and cultures. Noriko taught Japanese language at Vanderbilt University, State University of New York at Binghamton, Northwestern University, and Beloit College. Her scholarly interests include Japanese pedagogy, second language acquisition, and interdisciplinary study.

Last updated: 12/19/2023