Dr. Marcela Ruiz-Funes
Email: mruizfunes@georgiasouthern.edu
Phone: 912-478-5281
Office: Interdisciplinary Academic Building # 2051
Armstrong Phone: 912-344-2591
Armstrong Office: Gamble Hall 140
B.A., Facultad de Lenguas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
M.A., Virginia Tech
Ph.D., Virginia Tech
About Dr. Ruiz-Funes
Marcela Ruiz-Funes received her PhD and MA degrees in Second Language Education (concentration in Spanish and English Applied Linguistics) from Virginia Tech, US, and her dual BA degrees in English and Translation from the Facultad de Lenguas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. She worked at East Carolina University, NC for the last 18 years first as Assistant Professor and then as Associate Professor (with tenure) of Hispanic Studies and Coordinator of the Foreign Language Education Program. Currently, she is Associate Professor of Spanish at Georgia Southern University, US. Her research examines foreign language writing (Spanish), including the cognition of reading to write, task representation, task complexity and linguistic complexity measures, as well as second language and literacy development of children in two-way immersion programs. She has presented her work at conferences such as ACTFL, TESOL, AAAL, the Symposium on Second Language Writing, SECCLL, and AATSP. Ruiz-Funes is the author of On Teaching Foreign Languages: Linking Theory to Practice (2002); she has published book chapters and journal articles, and has received grants for her research in foreign language pedagogy and two-way immersion. Her most recent work “Task Complexity and Linguistic Performance in Advanced College-Level Foreign Language Writing” in Heidi Byrnes and Rosa M. Manchón (Eds.) Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching: Insights from Writing, John Benjamins, will be published in Fall 2013.
Last updated: 12/19/2023