Student Research & Symposium

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Student Symposium

The Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSS) Program hosts an annual symposium to highlight the creative and ground-breaking WGSS undergraduate research. Every year at the end of March, the symposium is a public showcase of several students’ work. Finalists will be chosen by a committee of WGSS faculty. Any student in a 2000-level WGSS class is welcome to submit an application from the link below. To apply, fill out the google form below. If you have questions, email one of the directors: Dr. Lisa Costello: or Dr. Jane Rago: Applications are accepted until February 1 every year.

If selected you will present your project on zoom with a live audience. The directors of WGSS will provide a training session for the presentation before the event. Each presentation is about 10 minutes and the symposium lasts about an hour. This event is a great opportunity for young researchers to explore the WGSS field and practice presenting in a safe and comfortable environment. Looks great on a resume!

Click here for the student symposium sign up form. Please note, you must log in to your My Georgia Southern account to complete the form.

Videos of past student symposiums

2024 student symposium:

2023 student symposium

2022 student symposium

2021 student symposium

This is a WGSS research symposium for WGSS students to showcase their early research on gender issues.

Last updated: 4/24/2024