EAGLE ALERT (All Campuses)

Georgia Southern will continue with remote operations and online classes through Thursday, Jan. 23.

Armstrong Campus

What makes the Armstrong Campus unique for our engineering & computing programs?

  • Engineering students can start their field of study on the Armstrong Campus and complete it on the Statesboro Campus
  • Engineering students can choose to participate in the Regent’s Engineering Pathway Program (REP)
  • Start & Complete the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Computer Science
  • Start & Complete the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Information Technology

“Providing a strong start for our engineering and computing students is our top priority. The faculty at the Armstrong Campus develop professional relationships with our students that lead to mentoring, research, community outreach, and ultimately student success.”

– Ashraf Saad,
Assistant Dean of the Armstrong Campus

For more information about our programs at the Armstrong Campus,
contact Ashraf Saad, Assistant Dean of the Armstrong Campus
ASaad@GeorgiaSouthern.edu or 912-344-3084