Graduate Student Wins Excellence in Research Award

Cesar Carapia, a graduate student in the Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree program, recently received the 2021 Averitt Award for Excellence in Graduate Research. The Averitt Award is the highest honor bestowed upon graduate students within the Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies. Through nominations from each department’s graduate program faculty, two semi-finalists are chosen by the Graduate Program’s Director/Coordinator, one student from each category: Excellence in Research and Excellence in Instruction. Of these semi-finalists, two students are chosen in each category and each are bestowed a $500 cash prize. This award is sponsored by the Graduate Student Organization and is named for the founder of our Graduate College, Jack N. Averitt. Cesar is conduction his graduate thesis research under the supervision of Dr. Valentin Soloiu, Professor and Distinguished Chair.


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