Mechanical Engineering Student Earns Top Environmental Award
Coleman Norton, a Mechanical Engineering junior at Georgia Southern University, has secured 1st Prize at the Georgia Environmental Conference, which took place at Jekyll Island from August 21-24, 2024. Norton’s presentation, titled “Reduction of Jet Engine Environmental Impact through Investigation of Spray Characteristics and Mixture Formation of Renewable Green Aerospace Fuel,” received outstanding acclaim from […]
Two Engineering Students Receive Research Awards
The Engineering Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research recently announced the 2021 recipients of its Student Video Competition. The video competition is designed to highlight faculty-mentored undergraduate research projects in engineering. Two students from Georgia Southern University, both conducting research under the supervision of Dr. Valentin Soloiu received awards. Austin Brant received the award […]
Graduate Student Wins Excellence in Research Award
Cesar Carapia, a graduate student in the Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree program, recently received the 2021 Averitt Award for Excellence in Graduate Research. The Averitt Award is the highest honor bestowed upon graduate students within the Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies. Through nominations from each department’s graduate program faculty, two […]
Graduate Student to Present at Posters on the Hill
Amanda Weaver, a recent graduate of the BS Mechanical Engineering program and current graduate student in the MS Mechanical Engineering program, has been accepted to present her research “Hydrogen for Aerospace Travel: The new Climate Change Mitigation Technology,” at the Council on Undergraduate Research’s (CUR) Posters on the Hill 2021. The event will take place […]
Dr. Soloiu, PI and Dr. Rahman co-PI win DoD – NSF grant; REU Site: Propulsion, Aerodynamics, Materials and Controls of Aerial Vehicles
The new $405K grant will develop research projects across the research laboratories (Aerospace, Aerodynamics, Subsonic tunnel and Wind Energy, Advanced Sensing, Intelligent Control, Fundamental Combustion, Ballistic Impacts) in the CEC at Georgia Southern University. The state of the art multidisciplinary research program will advance the fundamental knowledge on rotorcraft and wings aerodynamics performance, the combustion […]