IT Graduate and Undergraduate Students Win Best Paper Award at SE DSI

The paper titled “Predicting IMDB Score: An Application of Decision Trees” by Geanna Torres, Kennitha Cochrum, Jonathan Covington and Tiffany Carpenter took first place in the undergraduate student paper award competition at the 2017 meeting of Southeast Decision Sciences Institute (SE DSI). The 47thannual conference was held in Charleston, SC on February 22 – 24, 2017. Kennitha Cochrum and Tiffany Carpenter were the presenters at the conference.  Geanna, Kennitha, Jonathan and Tiffany are all seniors in the BS in Information Technology program at Georgia Southern University.

The paper titled “Grouping Students According to IT-Related Ethical Behavior: An Application of the Clustering Algorithm” by Sushmita Khan took first place in the graduate student paper award competition.  Sushmita is in her second semester in the MS in Applied Engineering in the IT track.

SE DSI is a regional subdivision of the Decision Sciences Institute, a professional organization of academicians and practitioners interested in the application of quantitative and behavioral methods to the problems of society.

All students started the project in their data mining course in the IT program last semester and were mentored by their faculty advisor, Dr. Cheryl Aasheim, Professor of Information Technology.


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