IT Students Win SE Decision Sciences Institute 2018 Best Paper Award

IT students Meghan Wright and Ryan Wilcauskas  holding 1st place awards for their paper at the SEDSI conference.

Ryan Wilcauskas, Meghan Wright and Kaitlin Reid won the Best Undergraduate Student Paper Award at the  48th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Decision Sciences Institute in Wilmington, NC. The title of their paper was The Impact of Workplace Practices on Patients Seeking Mental Health Treatment: A Decision Tree Approach.

Part of the paper came from the work they did in a data mining course taught by Dr. Cheryl Aasheim that they took as part of their degree program, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, in Fall 2017. They continued their work under the mentorship of Dr. Aasheim, running additional models and refining the paper after class ended through the winter break.

Ryan and Meghan attended the conference on February 21-23, 2018. Kaitlin graduated this past Fall and, therefore, could not attend. The students received certificates and a monetary award.

The students received funding to attend the conference through an undergraduate research grant they won in the Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing competition.


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