CEIT Student Research Symposium Awards

One hundred and ten CEIT students presented over 90 posters and demonstrations to dozens of industry representatives, alumni, board members, faculty and fellow students on Thursday, April 20.  The IT Building Atrium was buzzing with activity all morning as students discussed their research with interested visitors.  At 11:30am, Dean Mohammad Davoud spoke about the importance of research not only to students, but also to economic development in the region.  Mr. Steve Justice, Executive Director of the Georgia Centers of Innovation, expanded on this theme.  The six Centers of Innovation provide Georgia industries with resources for technical industry expertise, collaborative research and partnerships to help the State’s strategic industries connect, compete and grow globally.  These strategic industries include aerospace, agribusiness, energy technology, IT, logistics and manufacturing.

Three graduate student (teams) and three undergraduate student (teams) were presented with monetary awards supported by the CEIT Dean’s Office and the Centers of Innovation.  Third place winners received checks for $175, second place, $275, and first place, $400.  All the attendees were impressed by the high level of research and presentations throughout the Symposium.

Graduate Awardees

  • Third place: Musfiques Salahin and Md Azizur Rahman, working with Dr. George Fu (CECM) on “Immobilization of Coal Fly Ash (CFA) Produced from Georgia Coal-Burhning Power Plans into CFA Beads and Column Studies on Color Removal from Pulp Mill Effluent Using CFA Beads.” Area: Environmental Engineering
  • Second place: Md Mehedi Hasan, working with Dr. Adel El Shahat (EE) on “Performance Investigation of SSHAWT Blade by BEM and CFD.”  Area: Alternative Energy.
  • First place: Sharaf Sumaya, working with Dr. El Shahat (EE) and Dr. Kamran Kardel (MfgE) on “Cost Effective Eco-friendly Large Area Production of Organic Photovoltaic Cell by Inkjet Printing.” Area: Alternative Energy.

Undergraduate Awardees

  • Third place:  Mariah Peart (CECM); Dylan Mesta, Sandra Yankine and Brandon Yingling, working with Dr. Gustavo Maldonado and Dr. Marcel Maghiar on “Analysis of Accuracies in 3D Point-Cloud Model of Complex City Intersection.”  Area: Infrastructure.
  • Second place:  Deon Lucien (EE), working with Dr. Sungkyun Lim on “Improved Pasive UHF RFID Tag Antenna for Road Marker Navigation.”  Area:  Antennas.
  • First place:  Priscilla Perez (EE), working with Dr. El Shahat on “ANN-Predictive Model for Si-based Bipolar Transistor Characterization.” Area: Networks.

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