COE Advisement Center

The COE Advisement Center provides the following services to undergraduate education majors:

  • Connection with faculty, administrators, and staff within the College of Education and across campus in order to maintain ongoing lines of communication to meet student needs.
  • Recruitment of students to careers in education and to Georgia Southern University.
  • Quality, consistent academic advisement in a supportive and caring atmosphere for College of Education undergraduates seeking initial teacher certification.
  • Assessment of undergraduate education majors’ compliance with course prerequisite policies, GPA standards, state certification guidelines and University requirements for graduation.
  • Help to future teachers so they understand what is expected of them both academically and ethically and to assist them in achieving their educational goals.
  • Retention of student and timely progression.
  • Development of students as they progress through their academic careers.
  • Certification advice and aid to qualified students seeking teacher certification.

As an education major you will be assigned a professional advisor who specializes in your particular area of interest. Your advisor will meet with you on a regular basis and is available to assist you in planning and implementing your program of study.  However, note that Georgia Southern University accepts the premise that ultimately a student’s program is his/her own responsibility.