Explore Departmental Research
Department of Curriculum, Foundations, and Reading faculty members are dedicated to research and other creative scholarly activity in order to inform teaching, investigate problems, explore new ideas, and share new understandings. As curious, engaged leaders in their fields, faculty members of the department are committed to supporting and empowering our community and region through collaborative scholarly activity and associated outreach. The scholarly publications here reflect projects that are authored or co-authored by members of the department. Most of the articles, books, and chapters here and through these links are accessible or available worldwide.
Brady, A. C., Griffin, M. M., Lewis, A., Fong, C. J., & Robinson, D. H. (2023). How scientific is educational psychology research? The increasing trend of squeezing causality and recommendations from non-intervention studies. Educational Psychology Review, 35(37). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-023-09759-9
Flanigan, A. E., Brady, A. C., Dai, Y., & Ray, E. (2023). Managing student digital distraction in the college classroom: A self-determination theory perspective. Educational Psychology Review, 35(2), 60. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-023-09780-y
Flanigan, A. E., Kiewra, K. A., Lu, J., & Dzhuraev, D. (2023). Computer versus longhand note-taking methods: Effects of revision. Instructional Science, 51, 251-284. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11251-022-09605-5
Zhang, R., Brown, S. A., & Lysaker, J. (2023). A cross-case study of children’s oral narratives and image reading of a wordless picturebook. Reading and Writing Quarterly. 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1080/10573569.2023.2184737
Griffin, M.M., Hogan, E., Fong, C.J., *Gonzales, C., *Fathi, Z., Robinson, D.H. (2023). Women as top-producing authors, editors, and editorial board members in educational psychology journals from 2017 – 2021. Educational Psychology Review, 35, 10. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-023-09744-2
Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., & Montoya Londoño, D. M. (2023). Exploring the relation between metacognition, gender, and personality in Latin-American university students. Psykhe, 32(2), 1-21. https://doi.org/10.7764/psykhe.2021.30793
Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., Montoya Londoño, D. M., Daset, L., Cuadro, A., Molina Delgado, M., Morán Núñez, O., García de la Cadena, C., Beltrán Navarro, M. B., Arias Trejo, N., Ramirez Balmaceda, A., Jiménez Rodríguez, V., Puente Ferreras, A., Urquijo, S., Arias, W. L., Rivera, L. I., Schulmeyer, M., & Rivera-Sanchez, J. (2023). Normative data and standardization of an international protocol for the evaluation of metacognition in Spanish-speaking university students: A cross-cultural analysis. Metacognition and Learning, 18(2), 495-526. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11409-023-09338-x
Olaya Torres, A. J., Montoya Londoño, D., Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., & Puente Ferreras, A., (2023). A conceptual reflection of metacognitive judgments in the field of metacognition. ÁNFORA, 30(54), 254-281. https://doi.org/10.30854/anf.v30.n54.2023.910
*Phillips, B. S., McBrayer, J. S., Hunt, B., Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., & Fallon, K. (2023). Undergraduate students’ perception of leadership development programs and leadership development. Georgia Journal of College Student Affairs, 39(1), 170-198. https://doi.org/10.20429/gcpa.2023.390108
Puente Ferreras, A., Alvarado, J. M., Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., & Calderon, J. (2023). An application of cognitive diagnostic models in the evaluation of reading comprehension in Chilean university students. Suma Psicológica, 30(1), 40-47. https://doi.org/10.14349/sumapsi.2023.v30.n1.5
Segretin, M. S., Chiu, M., Tang, K., Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., & Declercq, C. (2023). Editorial on research topic: Methods and applications in educational psychology. Frontiers in Psychology, 1225744. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1225744
Soto, C., Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., Rebolledo, V., Rodriguez, F., Palma, D., & Gutiérrez, F. (2023). Metacognitive monitoring skills of reading comprehension and writing between proficient and poor readers. Metacognition and Learning, 18(1), 113-134. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11409-022-09317-8
He, M. F. (2023). To live in creative insubordination is to resist domination and thrive in liberation. Professing Education, 21(1), 56-67. https://societyofprofessorsofeducation.com/2018/04/25/professing-education/
Jackson, L., Phillips, D.C., Verducci, S., Stone, L. , Stengel, B. Sargent-De Jonghe, L., Mayo, C., Katz, M., Lake, R. (2023) Collective obituary for Nel Noddings. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 55:4, 406-417, DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2023.2171861
Rahimi, R. & Liston, D. D. (2023). Supporting the Social/Emotional Needs of College Students through Trauma Informed Practice (TIP), College Teaching. DOI: 10.1080/87567555.2023.2236754
Muhammad, E. A. (2023). The Concept of alterity: Its usage and its relevance for critical qualitative researchers in the Trump era. Cultural Studies of Science Education 18, 309-225. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11422-023-10175-2
Freeman, M., & Muhammad, E. A. (2023). Peeling away the taken-for-grantedness of research subjectivities: Orienting to the phenomenological. The Qualitative Report, 28(6), 1787-1800. https://doi.org/10.46743/2160-3715/2023.5995
Cynthia C. Massey & Muhammad, E. A. (2023): Preservice special education teachers’ experience of a math methods course: Examining the development of personal and pedagogical efficacy. The Teacher Educator, DOI:10.1080/08878730.2023.2218860
Sharma, M., & Shannon-Baker, P. (2023). Non-Indigenous instructors teaching about indigenous content: Reflections and recommendations from Indigenous ways of knowing and pedagogy. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 17(2), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.20429/ijsotl.2023.17205
Hunt-Anderson, I., & Shannon-Baker, P. (2023). “I CAN’T SAY IT”! Doodling to emancipate adolescents’ voices in a transformative mixed methods study of covert bullying in Jamaican high schools. Methods in Psychology, 8, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.metip.2023.100114
Stevenson, A., Ross, S., Walton, C., & He, M. F. (2023). A collaborative effort to develop and implement an online social justice professional development for urban school teachers. English Leadership Quarterly. 46(1), 2-7. https://doi.org/10.58680/elq202332578
Stevenson, A. & Casler-Failing, S. (2023). How Clean Is My Water? A Culturally Responsive, Project-based Interdisciplinary Summer Camp. After School Matters Journal, 36, 28-36. https://www.niost.org/Afterschool-Matters-Spring-2023/emotional-intelligence-and-workplace-stress-among-afterschool-supervisors-in-low-income-communities-2
Syno, J., McBrayer, J. S., Calhoun, D. W., Zinskie, C., & Fallon, K. (2023). An examination of faculty and staff collaboration and relationships in higher education. Georgia Journal of College Student Affairs, 39(1), 94–121. https://doi.org/10.20429/gcpa.2023.390105
Urquhart, N., McBrayer, J. S., Zinskie, C., & Cleveland, R. (2023). Socioeconomic disparities in the retention and graduation rates of dual-enrolled students. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1108/JARHE-05-2023-0180
Zinskie, C. D., & Griffin, M. M. (2023). Initial teacher preparation faculty views and practices regarding e-professionalism in teacher education. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE) Journal, 23(2). https://citejournal.org/volume-23/issue-2-23/current-practice/initial-teacher-preparation-faculty-views-and-practices-regarding-e-professionalism-in-teacher-education/
Rahimi, R. & Liston, D.D. (eds.) (2023). Exploring Social Emotional Learning in Diverse Academic Settings. IGI Global. Hershey, PA. ISBN: 9781668472279 https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-7227-9
Savitz, R. S., Roberts, L. D., & DeHart, J. (2023). Teaching challenged and challenging topics in diverse and inclusive literature: Addressing the taboo in the English classroom. Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Teaching-Challenged-and-Challenging-Topics-in-Diverse-and-Inclusive-Literature/Savitz-Roberts-DeHart/p/book/9781032283029
Shannon-Baker, P. (2023). Philosophical underpinnings of mixed methods research in education. In R. J. Tierney, F. Rizvi, & K. Erkican (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (4th ed., Vol. 12, pp. 380–389). Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818630-5.11037-1
Smith, L., & Shannon-Baker, P. (2023). Integrating art and artistic practices in mixed methods research in education. In R. J. Tierney, F. Rizvi, & K. Erkican (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (4th ed., Vol. 12, pp. 702–710). Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818630-5.11070-X
McFerrin-Surrency, Y. & Liston, D.D. “Mothering for Resilience and Empowerment: Black Mothers and Their Daughters. In Muia, D & Phillips, R. (editors), Connectedness, Resilience and Empowerment: Perspectives on Community Development. Springer, pp. 173-193. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-35744-2_10
Reidel, M., Shannon-Baker, P., Toledo, C. A., Crawford, K. M., Roberts, L. D., Huling, H. M., & Liston, D. D. (2023). Problematizing niceness: A teacher educators’ learning community on culturally responsive teaching. In S. R. Adams & A. Breidenstein (Eds.), Exploring meaningful and sustainable intentional learning communities for P-20 educators (pp. 255–275). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-7270-5.ch014
Brady. A. C., Wolters, C. A., & Yu, S. L. (2022). Self-regulation of time: The importance of time estimation accuracy. Frontiers in Educational Psychology, 13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.925812
Fong, C. J., Flanigan, A. E., Hogan, E., Brady, A. C., Griffin, M. M., *Gonzalez, C., *Garcia, A. J., *Fathi, Z., Robinson, D. H. (2022). Individual and institutional productivity in educational psychology journals from 2015-2021. Educational Psychology Review, 34, 2379–2403. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-022-09704-2
Kraatz, E., *von Spiegel, J., Sayers, R., & Brady, A. C. (2022). Should we “just stick to the facts”? The benefit of controversial conversations in classrooms. Theory into Practice, 61(3),312-324. https://doi.org/10.1080/00405841.2022.2096381
Brady, A. C., Hensley, L. C., Sovic, D., Kulesza, A., Wolters, C. A., & Breitenberger, C. (2022). What makes a study strategy intervention impactful? An interview-based study. College Student Affairs Journal, 40(1), 17-31. http://doi.org/10.1353/csj.2022.0001
Flanigan, A. E., Akcaoglu, M., & Ray, E. (2022). Initiation and maintenance of student-instructor rapport in online classes. The Internet and Higher Education, 53. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iheduc.2021.100844
Flanigan, A. E., Peteranetz, M. S., Shell, D. F., and Soh, L. K. (2022). Shifting beliefs in computer science. ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 22(2), 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1145/3471574
Fong, C. J., Flanigan, A. E., Hogan, E., Brady, A. C., Griffin, M., Gonzales, C., García, A. J., Fathi, Z., & Robinson, D. H. (2022). Updated trends in individual and institutional productivity in educational psychology journals from 2015-2021. Educational Psychology Review, 34, 2379-2403. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-022-09704-2
De la Portilla-Maya, S. R., Duque-Dussán, A. M., Landínez Martínez, D. A., Montoya Londoño, D. M., & Gutierrez de Blume, A. P. (2022). Critical thinking and metacognitive awareness in a sample of medical students. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativos, 18(1), 145-168. https://doi.org/10.17151/rlee.2022.18.1.8
Gutierrez de Blume, A. P. (2022). Calibrating calibration: A meta-analysis of learning strategy interventions to improve metacognitive monitoring accuracy. Journal of Educational Psychology, 114(4), 681-700. https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000674
Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., Soares, L. B., & Snyder, A. (2022). Effect of Language! Live Curriculum on U.S. middle school students’ Lexile scores based on grade level and differentiated instruction. PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning, 6(3), 29-47. https://doi.org/10.20319/pijtel.2022.63.2947
Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., & Montoya Londoño, D. M. (2022). Exploring the relation between executive functions (EFs) and metacognition: Do EFs predict metacognition? Praxis & Saber, 13(33), e12500. https://doi.org/10.19053/22160159.v13.n33.2022.12500
Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., & Montoya Londoño, D. M., & Dussán Lubert, C. (2022). Changes in different variables related to study behavior in a sample of undergraduate students after an intervention process on guided practice. Journal of Psychological Research & Humanities: Revista de Psicología, 12(1), 67-105. https://doi.org/10.36901/psicologia.v12i1.1474
Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., Montoya Londoño, D. M., & Hederich-Martínez, C. (2022). An exploratory study of the relation between cognitive style and metacognitive monitoring in a sample of Colombian university students. Psicología desde el Caribe, 39(2), 36-56. https://doi.org/10.14482/psdc.39.2.153
Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., & Montoya Londoño, D. M., Landínez Martínez, D., & Toro Zuluaga, N. A. (2022). Social variables and metacognitive awareness of young Colombian adults. Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud, 20(3), 1-32. https://doi.org/10.11600/rlcsnj.20.3.5379
Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., Montoya Londoño, D. M., & Osorio Càrdenas, A. M. (2022). Metacognitive skills and their relation to the variables of gender and type of professional practice of a sample of Colombian teachers. Revista Colombiana de Educación, 1(84), 1-25. https://doi.org/10.17227/rce.num84-11298
Rodríguez, M. F., Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., & Soto, C. (2022). Effects of reading motivation and metacomprehension on the reading comprehension of students with intellectual disabilities. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 20(58), 469-494. https://doi.org/10.25115/ejrep.v20i58.4806
Hogan, E. (2022). Changing my language and understanding: An autoethnography of my dumb-ppness. National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Journal, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.20429/nyarj.2022.050203
Massey, C.; Dogan, S.; Muhammad, E.; Hogan, E.; Head, C.; and Kim, J. (2022). The effect of flipped instruction on special Education preservice teachers’ perceptions. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 16(2). https://doi.org/10.20429/ijsotl.2022.160213
Hogan, E. (2022). An autoethnographic reflection of my academic privileges while working with high school interns. The Qualitative Report, 27(4), 937-944. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46743/2160-3715/2022.4807
Roberts, L. D. (2022). Motivation to Read in the Middle Grades. ALER Yearbook: Educate to Liberate, 43, 41-63. https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.aleronline.org/resource/resmgr/yearbooks/aler_yearbook_2022.pdf
Savitz, R., Roberts, L., & Stockwell, D. (2022). The impact of analyzing young adult literature for racial identity / social justice orientation with interdisciplinary students. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 52(4), 264-289. https://doi.org/10.1080/10790195.2022.2044933
Causey, C.,* Soares, L., Howerter, C. S., & Shannon-Baker, P. (2022). Examining general education and special education teacher preparedness for co-teaching students with disabilities. Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals, Spring/Summer 2022, 1–25. https://www.naset.org/publications/jaasep-research-based-journal-in-special-education/jaasep-spring/summer-2022/examining-general-education-and-special-education-teacher-preparedness-for-co-teaching-students-with-disabilities
Cebert-Gaitors, M., Shannon-Baker, P. A., Silva, S. G., Hart, R. E., Jahandideh, S., Gonzalez-Guarda, R., & Stevenson, E. L. (2022). Psychobiological, clinical, and sociocultural factors influencing Black women to seek treatment for infertility: A mixed methods study. F&S Reports, 3(2S), 29–39. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xfre.2022.02.004
Fisher, K. M., Shannon-Baker, P., Greer, K., & Serianni, B. (2022). Perspectives of students with disabilities and their parents on influences and barriers to joining and staying extracurricular STEM activities. The Journal of Special Education, 56(2), 110–120. https://doi.org/10.1177/00224669211054109
Musoke, P., Papadimitriou, A., Shannon-Baker, P., & Tajima, C. (2022). Developing a comprehensive mixed methods evaluation to address contextual complexities of a MOOC. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 36(3), 316–335. https://doi.org/10.3138/cjpe.71203
Poth, C. N., & Shannon-Baker, P. (2022). State of the methods: Leveraging design possibilities of qualitatively oriented mixed methods research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 21, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1177/16094069221115302
Shannon-Baker, P. (2022). Virtual Special Issue on “Mixed methods designs, integration, and visual practices in educational research.” Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 16(2), 159–164. https://doi.org/10.1177/15586898221083959
Mayes, R., Owens, D., Dauer, J., and Rittschof, K. (2022) A Quantitative reasoning framework and the importance of quantitative modeling in biology. Applied and Computational Mathematics, 11(1), 1-17. Available at: https://doi.org/10.11648/j.acm.20221101.11
Reyes, A, Leckie, A., & Stevenson, A. (2022). Building on what we know: Best practices for engaging emergent bilinguals in learning. GATESOL Journal. 32(1), 51- 59. https://doi.org/10.52242/gatesol.157
Williams-Johnson, M. & Fields-Smith, C. (2022). Parental involvement, emotions, and Black homeschooling. Educational Psychologist (57) 252-266. https://doi.org/10.1080/00461520.2022.2129648
Williams-Johnson, M. & Gonzalez-DeHass, A., R. (2022). Parental role construction leading to parental involvement in culturally distinct communities. Educational Psychologist (57) 232-237. https://doi.org/10.1080/00461520.2022.2131554
Cofer, R.*, McBrayer, J. S., Zinskie, C., Wells, P., & Fallon, K. (2022). Perceived gains of peer educators in campus learning centers: Academic performance and learning, non-academic skillsets, and self-confidence and fulfillment. Journal of Peer Learning, 15, 17–31. https://ro.uow.edu.au/ajpl/vol15/iss1/3
Flanigan, A. E. & Kim, J. H. (Eds.) (2022). Digital Distractions in the College Classroom. IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-9243-4
Brady, A. C., Kim, Y., & *von Speigel, J. (2022). Learning in the face of digital distractions: Empowering instructors to support self-regulated learning within and beyond the classroom. In A. Flanigan & J. Kim (Eds.), Digital distractions in the college classroom. IGI Global. https://www.igi-global.com/gateway/chapter/296128
Hensley, L., Kim, Y., Sayers, R., & Brady, A. C. (2022). Preventing “I never had to study”: Preparing teachers to support college readiness. In M. Buehl & J. S. Vogler (Eds.), Teaching learning for effective instruction. Information Age Publishing. https://www.infoagepub.com/products/Teaching-Learning-for-Effective-Instruction
Flanigan, A. E., Babchuk, W. A., & Kim, J. H. (2022). Understanding and reacting to the digital distraction phenomenon in college classrooms. In A. E. Flanigan and J. H. Kim (Eds.), Digital Distractions in the College Classroom (pp. 1-21). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-9243-4.ch001
Lake, R. & Logan B. (2022). The connection of metaphor and feedforward and the work of I.A. Richards. New Explorations: Studies in Culture and Communication. Vol. 2 No. 2. https://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/nexj/article/view/38335
Kress, T., Lake, R. & Stein, E. (2023). Radically dreaming: Illuminating Freirean praxis and emerging from dark times. DIO Press. https://www.diopress.com/product-page/radically-dreaming#:~:text=%2435.99,and%20other%20activist%20education%20spaces.
Shannon-Baker, P. (2022). Queering mixed methods research. In K. K. Strunk & S. A. Shelton (Eds.), Encyclopedia of queer studies in education (pp. 589-594). Brill. https://brill.com/display/book/9789004506725/BP000123.xml
· This book received Choice magazine’s Outstanding Academic Title award in 2022.
Shannon-Baker, P. & DiGregorio, N. (2022). Beyond expanding an acronym: Strategies for supporting LGBTQ+ people in schools. In Dhakal, S., Cameron, R., & Burgess, J. (Eds.), A field guide to managing diversity, equality, and inclusion in organizations (pp. 279-292). Edward Elgar. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800379008.00032
Shannon-Baker, P. & Martinez, C.* (2022). Integrating arts-based approaches in mixed methods research with diverse stakeholders: A critically reflective review from two teacher-researchers. In J. Hitchcock & A. Onwuegbuzie (Eds.), The Routledge handbook for advancing integration in mixed methods research(pp. 372-387). Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9780429432828-29/integrating-arts-based-approaches-mixed-methods-research-diverse-stakeholders-peggy-shannon-baker-claudia-martinez
Griffin, M. M., & Zinskie, C. D. (Eds.) (2021). Social media: Influences on education. Information Age Publishing. https://www.infoagepub.com/products/Social-Media
Hensley, L. C., Kulesza, A., Peri, J., Brady, A. C., Wolters, C. A., Sovic, D., & Breitenberger, C. (2021). Supporting undergraduate biology students’ academic success: comparing two workshop interventions. CBE – Life Sciences Education, 20(4). https://doi.org/10.1187/cbe.21-03-0068
Brady, A. C. & Gallant, D. J. (2021). STEM bridge program: Underrepresented minority students’ perceptions of LSAMP program impact. Journal of College Science Teaching, 50(61), 57-62. https://www.nsta.org/journal-college-science-teaching/journal-college-science-teaching-julyaugust-2021/stem-bridge
Brady, A. C.,Kim, Y., & Cutshall, J.(2021). The what, why, and how of distractions from a self-regulated learning perspective. Journal of College Reading and Learning. https://doi.org/10.1080/10790195.2020.1867671
Colliot, T., Kiewra, K. A., Luo, L., Flanigan, A. E., Lu, J., Kennedy, C., & Black, S. (2021). The effects of graphic organizer completeness and note-taking medium on computer-based learning. Education and Information Technologies. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-021-10693-y
Flanigan. A. E., Ray. E, Titsworth, S., Hosek, A., & Kim, J. H. (2021). Initiating and maintaining student-instructor rapport in face-to-face classes, Teaching in Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/13562517.2021.1918662
Kiewra, K. A., Luo, L., & Flanigan, A. E. (2021). Educational psychology early career award winners: How did they do it? Educational Psychology Review, 33, 1981-2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-021-09619-4
Peteranetz, M. S., Shell, D. F., Soh, L. K., & Flanigan, A. E. (2021). Motivation and self-regulated learning in computer science: Lessons learned from a multi-year program of classroom research, IEEE Transactions on Education, 64(3), 317-326. https://doi.org/10.1109/TE.2021.3049721
Gutierrez de Blume, A. P. (2021). Self-regulation of learning: Disentangling the relation between cognition, metacognition, and motivation. Voces y Silencios: Revista Latinoamericana de Educación, 12(1), 81-108. https://doi.org/10.18175/VyS12.1.2021.4
Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., Katz, A., & Bass, J. (2021). Impact of literacy across content on middle school students’ reading comprehension in a rural context. Journal of Research in Reading, 44(2), 284-300. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9817.12334
Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., & Montoya Londoño, D. M. (2021). Differences in metacognitive skills between undergraduate students in education, psychology, and medicine. Revista Colombiana de Psicología, 30(1), 111-130. https://doi.org/10.15446/rcp.v30n1.88146
Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., & Montoya Londoño, D. M. (2021). Validation and examination of the factor structure of the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) in Colombian university students. Psicogente, 24(46), 1-29. https://doi.org/10.17081/psico.24.46.4881
Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., & Montoya Londoño, D. M. (2021). Relation between students’ expectations about their grade and metacognitive monitoring and a deeper understanding of metacognitive judgments. Psychologia, 15(2). doi: https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.5425
Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., Montoya Londoño, D. M., García Gómez, M. E., Osorio Càrdenas, A. M., & González Benítez, L. (2021). Exploring the relation between parenting style and children’s self-concept and subjective and objective metacognition. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios de Familia, 13(2), 11-37. https://doi.org/10.17151/rlef.2021.13.2.2.
Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., Schraw, G., Kuch, F., & Richmond, A. S. (2021). General accuracy and general error factors in metacognitive monitoring and the role of time in predicting metacognitive judgments. CES Psicología, 14(2), 179-208. https://doi.org/10.21615/cesp.5494
Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., Soto, C., Ramírez Carmona, C., Rodriguez, M. F., & Pino Castillo, P. A. (2021). Reading competence and its impact on writing: An approach towards mental representation in literacy tasks. Journal of Research in Reading, 44(3), 617-635. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9817.12359
Johnson, A., Soares, L. B., & Gutierrez de Blume, A. P. (2021). Professional development for working with students with autism spectrum disorders and teacher self-efficacy. Georgia Educational Researcher, 18(1), 1-27. https://doi.org/10.20429/ger.2021.180101
Joiner, L. A., Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., Melton, T. D., & McBrayer, J. S. (2021). An action research study investigating the impact of iron-rich school nutrition on Lexile scores of middle grades students. RMLE Online, 44(10), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1080/19404476.2021.1998950
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Books, Chapters, Edited Books
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He, M. F., & Yu, M. (2016). The education of ethnic minorities in P. R. China. In D. Sharpes (Ed.), Handbook on comparative and international studies in education (pp. 441-449). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. https://www.infoagepub.com/products/Handbook-on-Comparative-and-International-Studies-in-Education
Lake, R. L. & Kress, T. (2016). Wild honey: toward a curriculum of be(e)comings. In W. Reynolds (Ed.). Expanding Curriculum Theory: Dis/positions and lines of flight. (2nd Ed.) New York, NY: Routledge. https://www.amazon.com/Expanding-Curriculum-Theory-positions-Studies/dp/0415715059
Marina, B. & Ross, S. (2016). (Eds.). Beyond retention: Cultivating spaces of equity, justice, and fairness for women faculty of color in U.S. Higher Education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FNA0Q82/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
Marina, B., Ross, S., & Robinson, K. (2016). Voices from the margins: Illuminating experiences of African American women senior administrators in higher education. In N. Croom and T. March (Eds.). Envisioning Critical Race Praxis in Higher Education Through Counter-Storytelling, (pp. 89-106). Charlotte, NC: Information Age. https://www.infoagepub.com/products/Envisioning-Critical-Race-Praxis-in-Higher-Education-Through-Counter-Storytelling
Morris, M. (2016). Joe. L. Kincheloe: Marxist Kritik and the Tender-Hearted. (Mary Frances Agnello & William M. Reynolds, Eds.), Practicing Critical Pedagogy (pp. 131-139). NY: Springer. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-25847-8
Morris, M. (2016). Curriculum studies guidebooks: Concepts and theoretical frameworks, 2. NY: Peter Lang. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/curriculum-facbookshelf/11/
Reynolds, W. M. (2016). Teaching Disney Critically in the Age of Perpetual Consumption. (J. C. Garlen and J. A. Sandlin, Eds.), Teaching with Disney. (pp. 111-123) New York: Peter Lang. https://www.jstor.org/stable/45157190?seq=1
Reynolds, W. M. (2016). Forward: Critical Social Foundations in the Corporate Academy. (E. Blair & Y. Medina, Eds.), The Social Foundation Reader: Critical Essays on Teaching, Learning, and Leaning in the 21st Century. (pp. xi-xv) New York: Peter Lang. https://www.amazon.com/Social-Foundations-Reader-Critical-Teaching/dp/1433129418
Reynolds, W. M. (2016). Preface: Canonphobia: curriculum as political. (J. M. Paraskeva & S. R. Steinberg, Eds.), Curriculum: Decanonizing the field. (pp. ix-xi). New York: Peter Lang. https://www.amazon.com/Curriculum-Decanonizing-Field-Counterpoints-Book-ebook/dp/B07661F5HT
Reynolds, W. M. (2016). Charles Silberman, crisis in the classroom: The remaking of American education (1970). (J. DeVitis, Ed.) Popular educational classics: A Reader. (pp. 73-81) Peter Lang. https://www.amazon.com/Popular-Educational-Classics-Joseph-DeVitis/dp/1433128330
Reynolds, W. M. (2016). “Daylight again”: “Déjà Vu”: The personal is pedagogical, political and revolutionary”. (J. Austin, Ed.) Spinning popular culture as public pedagogy: Critical reflection and transformative possibilities. (pp.53-63). Sense Publishers. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789463008488
Reynolds, W.M. & Webber, J. A. (Eds.). (2016) Expanding curriculum theory: Dis/positions and lines of flight. (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge. https://www.amazon.com/Expanding-Curriculum-Theory-positions-Studies-ebook/dp/B01EX69JG2
Ross, S. N. (2016). Crooked sticks and straight licks: Strategies for Womanist resistance and resilience in the dirty south. (Denise Taliaferro Baszile, Kirsten T. Edwards, & Nichole A. Guillory, Eds.). Race, gender, and curriculum theorizing: Working in womanish ways (129-146). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. https://www.amazon.com/Race-Gender-Curriculum-Theorizing-Twenty-First/dp/1498521134
Schutz, P., DeCuir-Gunby, J. & Williams-Johnson, M. (2016) Using multiple and mixed methods to investigate emotions in educational contexts. (M. Zembylas & P. Schutz, Eds). Methodological advances in research on emotions in education. Switzerland: Springer. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319290478
Schubert, W. H., & He, M. F. (2016). Landscapes of education. (W. Tillett, Ed.), Living the questions. (Volume 8, foreword, pp.xiii-xxiii). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. https://www.amazon.com/Living-Questions-Landscapes-Education-Tillett-ebook/dp/B0788TGTPF
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Weaver, J, and Snaza, N. (2016). Against Methodcentrism. (H. Pederson & B. Griffith, Eds.), Educational Philosophy and Theory. (pp. 1-16). Routledge. https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rept20/current
Candela, L., Gutierrez, A. P., & Keating, S. (2015). What predicts nurse faculty members’ intent to stay in the academic organization? A structural equation model of a national survey of nursing faculty. Nurse Education Today, 35(4), 580-589.
Gutierrez, A. P., & Schraw, G. (2015). Effects of strategy training and incentives on students’ performance, confidence, and calibration. The Journal of Experimental Education, 83, 386-404.
Rea, D., & Zinskie, C. (2015). Making the American dream a reality for all youth: Introduction to the first issue of the National Youth-At-Risk Journal. National Youth-At-Risk Journal, 1(1), 1–10. [Online Journal via Georgia Southern Commons] https://doi.org/10.20429/nyarj.2015.010101
Rea, D. (2015). Interview with Pedro Noguera: How to help students and schools in poverty. National Youth-At-Risk Journal, 1(1), 11–21. [Online Journal via Georgia Southern Commons] https://doi.org/10.20429/nyarj.2015.010102
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Mayes, R. L., Rittschof, K. R., Forrester, J. H., Schuttlefield, J. D., Watson, L., & Peterson, F. (2015). Quantitative reasoning in environmental science: Rasch measurement to support QR assessment. Numeracy, 8(2), http://dx.doi.org/10.5038/1936-4660.8.2.4
Beck, S. & Stevenson, A. (2015). Migrant students scaffolding and writing their own stories: From socio-culturally relevant enabling mentor texts to collaborative student narratives. Voices from the Middle, 23(1), 59-67. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/teaching-learning-facpubs/47
Stevenson, A. & Ross, S. (2015). Starting young: Emergent Black masculinity and early literacy. Journal of African American Males in Education, 6(1), 75-90. http://journalofafricanamericanmales.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/5Stevenson2015.pdf
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Brown, S.A. (2015). Poetry in Motion: Transforming Young E-Poets as Literacy Creators. Minneapolis, MN: NCTE
Davis, C. A. & Lester, J.N. (2015). Graduate students’ construction of researcher identities explored through discourse analysis. Qualitative Research in Education.
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He, M. F., Ross, S., & Seay, K. (2015). Methodological dilemmas in social justice research. Inaugural Issue of the International Journal of Curriculum, Equity & Social Justice, 1(1), 70-106.
He, M. F. (2015). Thriving in-between landscapes of education. (S. Ross & M. F. He, Eds.), Special Issue of The Sophist’s Bane: A Journal of the Society of Professors of Education: Minority women professors venturing on the landscapes of education.
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He, M. F., Ross, S. N., & Seay, K. (2015). Methodological dilemmas in social justice research in the U.S. South. International Journal of Curriculum, Equity, and Social Justice, 1(1), 71-106.
Reynolds, W. M. (2015). Hey, Hey, My, My”: Joe L. Kincheloe, Friend, Teacher, Scholar, and Musician. (Mary Frances Agnello &William M. Reynolds, Eds.), Practicing Critical Pedagogy: Joe Kincheloe’s Influences in the Field, (pp. 3-11). Springer Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-25847-8_1
Agnello, M-F. & Reynolds, W. M. (2015). Introduction. (Mary Frances Agnello & William M. Reynolds, Eds.), Practicing Critical Pedagogy: Joe Kincheloe’s Influences in the Field. Springer Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-25847-8_1
Reynolds, W. M. (2015). Critical Pedagogical Praxis: Risk and the Hopeful Struggle. (Bread Porfilio and Derek Ford, Eds.), Leaders in Critical Pedagogy Narratives for Understanding and Solidarity, (pp. 1-17). Sense Publishing. 10.1007/978-94-6300-166-3
Reynolds, W. M. (2015). Charles Silberman, Crisis in the Classroom: The Remaking of American Education (1970). (Joseph DeVitis, Ed.), Popular Educational Classics: A Reader. Peter Lang. https://www.amazon.com/Popular-Educational-Classics-Joseph-DeVitis/dp/1433128330
Morris, M. (2015). Currere as Subject Matter. (M.F. He, B.D. Schultz & W. H. Schubert, Eds.), The Sage Guide to Curriculum in Education. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE. https://www.amazon.com/SAGE-Guide-Curriculum-Education-ebook/dp/B07CCH99CG
Morris, M. (2015). Posthumanist Education and Animal Interiority. (N. Snaza & J. Weaver, Eds.), Posthumanism and Educational Research. NY: Routledge. https://www.amazon.com/Posthumanism-Educational-Routledge-International-Philosophy/dp/1138782351
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Lake, R. L. (2015). Curriculum imagination as subject matter. (M. F. He, B. D Schultz &W. H.Schubert, Eds.), The Guide to Curriculum in Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. https://www.amazon.com/SAGE-Guide-Curriculum-Education-ebook/dp/B07CCH99CG
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Beck, S. & Stevenson, A. (2015). “Someday I’m going to have papers!” (¡Algún Día, Yo Voy a Tener Papeles!) Mixed-status families in the rural South. (A. Schueths & J. Lawston, Eds.), Living together, living apart: Mixed status families and US immigration policy. Seattle: University of Washington Press. https://www.amazon.com/Living-Together-Apart-Families-Immigration/dp/0295995300
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Brown, S. A. (2015). Reading with Nook e-readers. (Boni Hamilton, Ed.), Integrating Technology in the Classroom: Tools to Meet the Needs of Every Student. Washington, DC: International Society for Technology Integration. https://www.amazon.com/Integrating-Technology-Classroom-Tools-Student/dp/1564843459
Brown, S. A. (2015). Moving Text: An Early Childhood Exploration of Poetry. Whole Language Umbrella. Atlanta, CA: NCTE.
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He, M. F. (2014). Creative insubordination in an unjust world. In S. Ross & M. F. He (Eds.), Special Issue of The Sophist’s Bane: A journal of the society of professors of education: Minority women professors venturing on the landscapes of education. https://societyofprofessorsofeducation.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/sophists-bane-sp-2716.pdf
He, M. F, Sapp, J., Botelho, M. J., Nuñez, I., Scott–Simmons, W. & Johnson, L. (2014). Part V: Guide to New Resources. Multicultural Perspectives: An Official Journal of the National Association for Multicultural Education, 16(4), 245-251. https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,shib&db=edb&AN=95807179&custid=gso1&custid=gso1&groupid=main&profile=eds
Hilpert, J., Carrion, M. L., & Husman, J. (2014). Gender differences in engineering students’ imagined futures. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering. 10.1615/JWomenMinorScienEng.2014007079
Morris, M. (2014). Loss, melancholy and reverie in education. The Journal of Arts and Humanities, 3(2), 21-29. https://theartsjournal.org/index.php/site/article/view/348
Ross, S. N. (2014). Diversity and intergroup contact in higher education: Exploring possibilities for democratization through social justice education. Teaching in Higher Education, 18(8), 870-881. https://doi.org/10.1080/13562517.2014.934354
Schraw, G., Kuch, F., Gutierrez, A. P., & Richmond, A. (2014). Exploring a three-level model of calibration accuracy. Journal of Educational Psychology, 106, 1192-1202.
Snaza, N., Appelbaum, P., Bayne, S., Carlson, D., Morris, M., Rotas, N., & Weaver, J. (2014). Toward a post-humanist education. JCT: Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 30(2), 39-55. https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,shib&db=edb&AN=100034205&custid=gso1&custid=gso1&groupid=main&profile=eds
Snaza, N., Appelbaum, P., Bayne, S., Carlson, D., Morris, M., Rotas, N., Sandlin, J., Wallin, J., & Weaver, J. (2014). Toward a Posthuman Education. The Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 30(2), 39-55. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/curriculum-facpubs/47/
Stevenson, A. D. (2014). “Why in This Bilingual Classroom…Hablamos Más Español?” Language Choice by Bilingual Science Students. Journal of Latinos and Education, 1-15.
Stevenson, A. (2014). Significance of prior knowledge activation: A close look at a bilingual kindergarten student’s response to a poem. Georgia Journal of Reading 37(1), 14-17.https://works.bepress.com/alma-stevenson/9/
Bailey, C. and Davis, C. A. (2014). “We’re there to care for them as a whole:” Art and reflection in the clinical nursing experience. In V. Caputi (Ed.) Innovations in Nursing Education: Building the Future of Nursing. (pp. 119-134). Philadelphia, PA: Lippencott, Williams, & Wilkins. https://www.amazon.com/Innovations-Nursing-Education-Building-Future/dp/1934758183
Brown, S.A. (2014). Young writers create digital e-books using Nooks. In R. Anderson and C. Mims (Eds.). Digital Tools for Writing Instruction in K-12 Settings. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED555626.pdf
Dagostino, V. and Lake, R. L. (2014). The dialectic of positive freedom and the praxis of being. In S. J. Miri, R. L. Lake, & T. Kress (Eds.). Reclaiming the sane society: Essays on Erich Fromm’s thought. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789462096073
Davis, C. A. (2014). Youths transitioning as adult learners. In C. A. Davis & J. S. Olson (Eds.), New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education Series, Meeting the Transitional Needs of Young Adult Learners, (pp. 63–72). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/15360717/2014/2014/143
Davis, C.A. and Olson, J. (Eds). (2014). Meeting the transitional needs of young adult learners. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education Series, Vol. 143. Jossey -Bass, San Francisco, CA. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/15360717/2014/2014/143
Gilpin, L.S. & Liston, D. (2014). Guardian of the Status Quo or Agent of Change?: An Exploration of the Role of Identity in the School. In Jenlink, P. (Ed.) Teacher Identity and the Struggle for Recognition: Meeting the Challenges of a Diverse Society. Rowman and Littlefield: Lanham, MD. https://www.amazon.com/Teacher-Identity-Struggle-Recognition-Challenges/dp/1607095750
He, M. F. (2014). Diving into life and writing into contradiction. In I. Nuñez, C. T. Laura, & R. Ayers (Eds.), Diving in: Bill Ayers and the art of teaching into the contradiction. https://www.amazon.com/Diving-Bill-Ayers-Teaching-Contradiction/dp/080775577X
Ibrahim, A., & Steinberg, S. (2014). Posthuman(ist) youth: Control, play, and possibilities. In S. Steinberg, A. Ibrahim, L. Hutton (Eds.) Critical Youth Studies Reader (pp. 349-359). New York: Peter Lang. https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,shib&db=cat06429a&AN=gso.9915015203802950&custid=gso1&custid=gso1&groupid=main&profile=eds
Lake, R. L. (2014). Agitation with a smile: Howard Zinn’s legacies and the future of activism. In S. Bird, A. Silver, & J. Yesnowitz (Eds.). Teachers College Record, 116(3). Maudlin, J. & Chapman, D. E. (2014) Critical Media Literacy in the Digital Age. Sage. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/teaching-learning-facpubs/54/
Lake, R. L. (2014) Diddley bows, banjars. and backbeats: The rhythm and sounds of personal agency from Southern African-America. In W. Reynolds (Ed.). Critical Studies of Southern Place: A Reader. New York, NY: Peter Lang. https://www.amazon.com/Critical-Studies-Southern-Place-Counterpoints/dp/1433122502
Miri, S.J., Lake, R. L. & Kress, T. (Eds.) (2014). Reclaiming the sane society: Essays on Erich Fromm’s thought. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789462096073
Moore, M. T. , Zancanella, D. & Avila, J. (2014). Text complexity: The battle for critical literacy in the common core state standards. In J. Pandya & J. Avila (Eds.) Moving critical literacies forward: A new look at praxis across contexts. New York, NY: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Moving-Critical-Literacies-Forward-A-New-Look-at-Praxis-Across-Contexts/Pandya-Avila/p/book/9780415818148
Moore, M. T. (2014). Service Learning and the Field Based Literacy Methods Course. In P. Smagorinsky and V. Kinloch (Eds.), Service Learning in Literacy Education. Information Age Publishing. https://www.infoagepub.com/products/Service-Learning-in-Literacy-Education
Morris, M. (2014). Posthumanist Education and Animal Interiority. In Nathan Snaza & John Weaver (Eds.), Posthumanism and Educational Research. New York: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Posthumanism-and-Educational-Research/Snaza-Weaver/p/book/9781138286979
Paugh, P., Kress, T., & Lake, R. L. (Eds.) (2014). Teaching towards democracy with postmodern and popular culture texts. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789462098756
Reynolds, W. M. (Ed.). (2014). Critical studies of Southern Place: A Reader. New York: Peter Lang. https://www.amazon.com/Critical-Studies-Southern-Place–Counterpoints/dp/1433122502#:~:text=Critical%20Studies%20of%20Southern%20Place%3A%20A%20Reader%20critically%20investigates%20and,notion%20of%20a%20Southern%20epistemology.
Reynolds, W. M. (2014). Where are the mockingjays? The commodification of monstrous children and rebellion. In A. Ibrahim & Steinberg, S. (Eds.). Critical youth studies reader. (pp. 490-501). New York: Peter Lang. https://www.amazon.com/Critical-Youth-Studies-Reader-Preface-ebook/dp/B0768HT52T
Reynolds, W. M. (2014). Neo-Post-Urban-Noir graphic novels and critical literacy: The hard connection, In P. Paugh, T. Kress & R. Lake (Eds.). Critical and new literacies: Teaching toward democracy with post-modern and popular culture texts. (pp. 20-35). Boston: Sense publishing. https://brill.com/view/title/37624
Reynolds, W. M. (2014). Reforming the schooling of neoliberal, perpetual zombie desire, In P. L. Thomas, B. Porfilio, J. Gorlewski, & P. Carr (Eds.). Social Context reform: A pedagogy of equity and opportunity. https://www.amazon.com/Social-Context-Reform-Opportunity-Routledge/dp/1138788619
Rychly, L. & Lake, R. L. (2014). Exploring the tensions between narrative imagination and official knowledge through the life of Pi. In P. Paugh, T. Kress, & R. L. Lake (Eds.) Critical and new literacies: Teaching towards democracy with/in/through postmodern and popular culture texts. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789462098756
Brown, S. A. (2013). A blended approach to reading and writing graphic stories. The Reading Teacher, 67(3), 206-217. https://doi.org/10.1002/TRTR.1211
Brown, S. A. (2013). An analysis of the discourse and actions of reading conferences with English learners: A situated perspective. Literacy Research and Instruction, 52(1), 130-149. https://doi.org/10.1080/19388071.2012.742601
Chambers, W. L., Smith, L. P., Orvis, J. N., & Caplinger, C. (2013). Developing a topic-centered first-year seminar with an emphasis on information literacy at a large regional university. College and Undergraduate Libraries, 20(1), 52-71.https://doi.org/10.1080/10691316.2013.761077
He, M. F. (2013). East-West epistemological convergence of humanism in language, culture, identity, and education: Confucius-Makiguchi-Dewey[Special Issue]. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 12(1), 61-70. https://doi.org/10.1080/15348458.2013.748430
He, M. F. (2013). Thriving in struggling in-between landscapes of education. [Special Issue]. The Sophist’s Bane: A Journal of The Society of Professors of Education: Minority Women Professors Venturing on The Landscapes of Education. https://societyofprofessorsofeducation.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/sophists-bane-sp-2716.pdf
He, M. F., & Ross, S. (2013). Introduction: Narrative of curriculum in the U. S. South: Lives in-between contested race, gender, class, and power. [Special Issue]. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 28(3), 1-9.
Hilpert, J. & Brem S. K. (2013). Dissatisfaction and engagement as motivators of conceptual change in a naturalistic internet based search about HPV. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 11(2), 285-310.
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Reynolds, W. M. (2013). Militainment and War; How Long Must We Sing This Song? Peace Studies Journal, 6(3), 44-61.
Ross, S. N. (2013). Examining the role of facilitated conflict on student learning outcomes in a diversity education course. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 7(1), 1-18. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/ij-sotl/vol7/iss1/9/
Ross, S. (2013). The politics of politeness: Theorizing race, gender, and education in White Southern space. Understandings Emerging from the Southern Mist: The curriculum of place. 412, 143-160. https://www.jstor.org/stable/42981822
Stevenson, A. (2013). How fifth grade Latino/a bilingual students use their linguistic resources in the classroom and laboratory during science instruction. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 8(4), 973-989.
Books or Chapter(s) within a Book
Connery, M. C. & Lake, R. L. (2013). A blueprint for architecture of accomplishment. In R. Lake and M. C. Connery (Eds.) Constructing a community of thought: Letters on the scholarship, teaching and mentoring of Vera John-Steiner. New York, NY Peter Lang Publishers. https://www.amazon.com/Constructing-Community-Thought-Scholarship-John-Steiner/dp/1433119161
Chambers, W. L. (2013). Cognitive and language development: The child’s journey. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. https://he.kendallhunt.com/product/cognitive-and-language-development-childs-journey
He, M. F., Haynes, A., Janis, S. E., Ward, C., Pantin, M. M., & Mikell, C. (2013). Teaching courageously in-between contested race, gender, class, and power in the U. S. South. A curriculum of place: Understandings emerging through the Southern mist, 412, 109-141. https://www.peterlang.com/view/title/21703
Lake, R. L. & Kress, T. M (2013). A dialogue between Marx and Freire. In R. Lake and T. Kress (Eds.), Paulo Freire’s intellectual roots: Toward historicity in praxis. New York, New York: Continuum Publishers. https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/paulo-freires-intellectual-roots-9781441195234/
Lake, R. L. & Dagostino, V. (2013). Converging self/other awareness: Erich Fromm and Paulo Freire on transcending the fear of freedom. In R. Lake and T. Kress (Eds.), Paulo Freire’s intellectual roots: Toward historicity in praxis. New York, NY: Continuum Publishers. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/curriculum-facpubs/82/
Lake, R. L. & Kress. T. (2013). Paulo Freire’s intellectual roots: Toward historicity in praxis. New York, NY: Continuum Books. https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/paulo-freires-intellectual-roots-9781441111845/
Lake, R. L. & Connery, M. C. (2013). Constructing a community of thought: Letters on the scholarship, teaching and mentoring of Vera John-Steiner. New York, NY: Peter Lang. https://www.amazon.com/Constructing-Community-Thought-Scholarship-John-Steiner/dp/1433119161
Lake, R. L. (2013). Bridges are made for movement. In R. Lake & M. C. Connery (Eds.) Constructing a community of thought: Letters on the scholarship, teaching and mentoring of Vera John-Steiner. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishers. https://www.amazon.com/Constructing-Community-Thought-Scholarship-John-Steiner/dp/1433119161
Lake, R. L. (2013). A curriculum of imagination in an era of standardization: An imaginative dialogue with Maxine Greene and Paulo Freire. In W. Schubert & M. Fang He (Eds.), Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishers. https://www.amazon.com/Curriculum-Imagination-Era-Standardization-Imaginative/dp/162396265X
Lake, R. L. (2013). Sailing with Septima: A curricular journey through the Jim Crow south. In W. Reynolds (Ed.), A curriculum of place: Understandings emerging through the southern mist. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishers. https://www.amazon.com/curriculum-place-Understandings-Emerging-Counterpoints/dp/1433113333
Liston, D. & Rahimi, R. (2013). Taking Toll: The Impact of Sexual and Gender Harassment in the Lives of Middle and High School Students. In J. Hall (Ed). Children’s Human Rights and Public Schooling in the US. Sense Publishers: Boston. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1032&context=curriculum-facpubs
Moore, M. T. , Zancanella, D. & Avila, J. (2013). Text complexity: The battle for critical literacy in the common core state standards. In J. Pandya and J. Avila (Eds.) Moving critical literacies forward: A new look at praxis across contexts. New York, NY: Routledge. https://www.academia.edu/41423864/Text_Complexity_The_Battle_for_Critical_Literacy_in_the_Common_Core_State_Standards
Moore, M.T. (2013). Issues and Trends in Writing. In M. McKenna, R. Robinson, & J. Wedman (Eds.), Issues and trends in literacy education (5th Ed.). Needham Heights: MA: Allyn & Bacon. https://www.pearson.com/store/p/issues-and-trends-in-literacy-education/P100002010209/9780132316415
Rahimi, R. & Liston, D. (2013). Campus Conflicts: College Students’ Perceptions of Heterosexism and Homophobia in Colleges and Universities. In J. Devitis, (Ed). Contemporary Colleges and Universities: A Reader. Peter Lang Publishers: New York. https://www.amazon.com/Contemporary-Colleges-Universities-Adolescent-Cultures/dp/1433116014
Reynolds W. M. (Ed.). (2013). A Curriculum of Place: Understandings Emerging through the Southern Mist. New York Peter Lang Publishers. https://www.amazon.com/curriculum-place-Understandings-Emerging-Counterpoints/dp/1433113333
Reynolds, W. M. (2013). Liberation Theology and Paulo Freire: On the Side of the Poor, In R. Lake and T. Kress (Eds.), Paulo Freire’s Intellectual Roots: Toward Historicity in Praxis (pp. 127-145). Continuum Press. https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/paulo-freires-intellectual-roots-9781441111845/
Reynolds, W. M. (2013). The Era of Recruitment: The Militarization of Everything, In J. Gorlewski & B. Porfilio (Eds.), Left Behind in the Race to the Top: Realities of School Reform. Information Age Press. https://www.amazon.com/Left-Behind-Race-Top-Realities/dp/1623963281
Last updated: 5/17/2022