Eagle Academy Student Life

What do you think of when you hear the words “the college experience?”  Was this the time in your life when you met your best friend, your spouse, or a potential employer?  Academics are of the utmost importance at EAGLE Academy at Georgia Southern University, but being engaged in campus life is a critical component.  It is a great time to be exposed to new people, ideas, cultures, etc.  It is a chance to develop personally and professionally.  As such, EAGLE Academy encourages our students to explore campus life opportunities with the numerous student organizations and activities that are available on campus that may interest them.  Our students have access to all of the same student organizations, campus offices, and services that all Georgia Southern University students use.

Resident Life

Students enrolled in EAGLE Academy will reside on campus their first year in the program. Second year living situations will be determined through the person-centered planning process. Students will also have a complete dining plan.  To view all of the dining plans and packages available visit the Eagle Dining page. EAGLE Academy students will have an Eagle ID and have access to everything on campus that every other GS student has available to them.

Last updated: 9/1/2023