Social Emotional Learning/Behavior Intervention

Initiative 1: Social Emotional Learning /Behavior Intervention

Bulloch County Behavior Screener Development and Tier 2 Intervention Support

School Psychology faculty members Dawn Tysinger, Ph.D., and Jeff Tysinger, Ph.D., worked with Bulloch County Schools to develop a behavior screener and behavior incident report form that will help teachers and administrators focus on behavior intervention and not just discipline. The screener is being piloted at three elementary schools this fall: Langston Chapel, Julia P. Bryant and Mattie Lively. The Tysingers will provide professional development on how to use the screener and incident report form, as well as the use of the data that is generated from the screeners to develop Tier 2 behavior interventions. Additional professional development on designing and facilitating Tier 2 behavior interventions will also be provided.

Trauma-informed Education Symposium

In collaboration with Lizann Roberts from the Coastal Georgia Indicators Coalition and under the direction of Regina Rahimi, Ed.D., Delores Liston, Ph.D., and Amee Adkins, Ph.D., from Georgia Southern and Vanessa Keener, Ed.D., from Savannah-Chatham County Public School System (SCCPSS) Dept. of Specialized Instruction, a symposium was hosted that brought together regional experts and community resources in trauma informed education. More than 100 teachers and counselors participated in the symposium on August 4. All sessions were recorded and are available to all educators and counselors in SCCPSS.

Last updated: 5/21/2021