ESOL Endorsement Program Objectives

Georgia Southern University’s College of Education’s ESOL Endorsement exists in order to help this region’s and state’s educators address the needs of our immigrant, migrant, and English Language Learning students. This is clearly in keeping with multiple aspects of the university’s mission, such as “advancing the State of Georgia and the region through the benefits of higher education” and preparing teachers and teacher candidates “for leadership and service as world citizens” “enhanced by … transcultural experiences.”

During the past generation, Georgia’s immigrant population has been one of the fast growing in the nation. Over a century of bipolar (Black/White) demographic segregation and relative demographic stability left our state ill-prepared for the large influx of English Language Learners since 1980. Our ESOL Endorsement provides preparation for pre-service and in-service teachers regarding essential background and theoretical perspectives and research-based classroom methods and materials. In designing this preparation, the program is guided by the five domains described in the TESOL/NCATE Standards for Initial TESOL Programs in P–12 ESL Teacher Education:
(1) Language (as a System & its Acquisition & Development);
(2) Culture as it Affects Student Learning;
(3) Planning, Implementing, and Managing Standards-Based ESL & Content Instruction (including Resources and Technology);
(4) Assessment; and
(5) Professionalism.

Student Learning Outcome 1:
Teachers and Teacher candidates who complete the ESOL Endorsement program will demonstrate substantial Content Knowledge regarding the cultural and linguistic aspects of teaching English Language Learners.
This will include:

  • Defining language and describing how language varies and the implications for teaching culturally and linguistically diverse students;
  • Demonstrating competence in academic English as it pertains to the six domains of language(listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and representing);
  • Becoming familiar with the nature of culture and its functions in society;
  • Recognizing and articulating the cognitive and social benefits of multilingualism;
  • Designing and applying strategies for observing, analyzing, and comparing cultures; and
  • Developing strategies for integrating school, neighborhood, and home resources in curriculum for English learners.

Student Learning Outcome 2: Teachers and Teacher candidates who complete the ESOL Endorsement program will demonstrate substantial Professional & Pedagogical Knowledge & Skills regarding teaching English Language Learners. This will include:

  • Demonstrating competence in using standard English in listening, speaking, reading and writing,and modeling these skills for their students;
  • Developing strategies to integrate home, school, and community cultures to benefit students’ learning;
  • Designing curriculum and learning activities to support English learners’ access to core curriculum by teaching English through academic content and real life experiences;
  • Designing learning activities to develop students’ abilities to use English to achieve academically in all content areas;
  • Becoming familiar with and applying a variety of techniques for organizing and implementing learning environments to optimize participation and instruction with English Language Learners; and
  • Designing and applying strategies that facilitate the co-construction of knowledge with students from diverse cultures.

Student Learning Outcome 3: Teachers and Teacher-candidates who complete the ESOL Endorsement program will demonstrate substantial Professional Dispositions regarding teaching English Language Learners. This will include:

  • Demonstrating how language varies and the implications for teaching ESOL;
  • Identifying and describing the predominant theories of first language acquisition, and additional language development, and their implications for instruction;
  • Developing effective cross-cultural skills, personal resources, and networks for collaborative work with culturally diverse school populations; and
  • Gaining, demonstrating and applying the ability to advocate for ELs; build partnerships with colleagues, students’ families, and community members to improve learning for all students.

Student Learning Outcome 4: Teachers and Teacher-candidates who complete the ESOL Endorsement program will demonstrate substantial Effects on (Student) English Language Learner Learning. This will include:

  • Applying current theory and research on additional language development to curriculum development and instructional strategies;
  • Demonstrating understanding of standards-based English language proficiency instruments and their uses for identification, placement, and reclassification of English learners;
  • Utilizing multiple methods of assessment to guide instructional decision-making when teaching English learners; and
  • Gaining, demonstrating, and applying knowledge of history, research, educational public policy,and best practice.

Last updated: 1/5/2023