Dr. Gang Chen
Dr. Gang Chen
Assistant Professor
Office: Nursing Chemistry 2213
Phone: 912-478-7350
Email: gchen@georgiasouthern.edu
- Postdoc. – The University of Chicago & Nanyang Technology University
- Ph.D. – Chinese Academy of Sciences
- B.S. – Zhengzhou University
- Dr. Chen’s research focuses on material chemistry and nanotechnology, particularly in developing functional nanomaterials with enhanced properties and exploring their applications in different fields. Dr. Chen’s long-term goal is to establish a highly active research program that designs unique, robust, and widely applicable synthetic strategies across the molecular and nano scale, and that enable effective manufacturing and incorporation of nanomaterials into innovative biomedical, catalytic, and energy conversion technologies.
- Current research interests:
- Nanosynthesis: develop the colloidal synthesis of high entropy alloy nanoparticles for electrocatalysis and photocatalysis.
- Biosensor: utilize the hot spots on anisotropic plasmonic nanoparticles to increase the sensitivity of biosensor.
- Hybrid nanomaterials: create plasmonic nanoparticle/polymer hybrid nanostructures and explore their plasmon-enhanced applications, such as flexible electronics, energy saving materials, and solar cells
Courses Taught
- CHEM 1212K, CHEM 3501, CHEM 3502
Selected Publications
- Book Chapter
- Programmable Self-assembly of Colloidal Nanoparticles into Precise Discrete
Nanoarchitectures, Molligoda, B.; Egan, T; Chen, G.*, World Scientific Reference on
Plasmonic Nanomaterials, Volume 3: Self-Assembly of Plasmonic Nanostructures, May 2022. - Journal Articles
- The Essential Role of Reduction Potential in the Seed-mediated Synthesis of Gold Bipyramids, He, D.; Zhang, X.; Gallagher, R.; Sharma, B.; Egan, T.; Chen, G.*, submitted.
- Synthesis of Homogeneous Gold Nanorods through Optimized Multi-step Seed-mediated
Growth Method, Zhang, X.; Tran, N.; Egan, T.; Sharma, B.; Chen, G.*, J. Phys. Chem. C
2021, 125, 13350. - Radiative Decay Rate Enhancement and Quenching for Multiple Emitters Near a Metal
Nanoparticle Surface, Zhou, Y.; Chen, G.; Zou, S., J. Phys. Chem. C 2021, 125, 2531. - pH-mediated Synthesis of Monodisperse Gold Nanorods with Quantitative Yield and
Molecular Level Insight, Gallagher, R.; Zhang, X.; Altomare, A.; Lawrence, D. Jr.; Shawver,
N.; Tran, N.; Beazley, M.; Chen, G., Nano Research 2021, 14, 1167. Cover Feature.
Last updated: 8/30/2024