Dr. Mark Edwards
Fuller E. Callaway Professor of Physics
Office: Math-Physics, Room 1002
Phone: (912) 478-0080
E-mail: edwards@GeorgiaSouthern.edu
B.S. Physics, Georgia Southern University, 1977
M.A. Physics, Johns Hopkins University, 1980
Ph.D. Physics, Johns Hopkins University, 1984
- Physics 1210: Survey of Physics
- Physics 5557: Quantum Mechanics
- Physics 5090: Quantum Computing
My research program is devoted to the theoretical study of ultra-cold quantum atomic gases and is performed in close collaboration with researchers at the University of Maryland at College Park, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom. Some of my specific interests include ways in which ultra-cold atoms, manipulated by lasers and magnetic fields, can operate as a “quantum computer”; the dynamics of mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates during the cooling process; and the design of new atom interferometers to increase their robustness, stability, and sensitivity for applications to precision navigation and to metrology.
Recent Publications:
- “Superfluid transport dynamics in a capacitive atomtronic circuit,” Aijun Li, Stephen Eckel, Benjamin Eller, Kayla E. Warren, Charles W. Clark, and Mark Edwards, Physical Review A, 94 023626 (2016).
- “Resonant wavepackets and shock waves in an atomtronic SQUID,” Y.-H. Wang, A. Kumar, F. Jendrzejewski, R.M. Wilson, M. Edwards, S. Eckel, and C.W. Clark, New Journal of Physics, 17 125012 (2015).
- “Self-heterodyne detection of the in-situ phase of an atomic SQUID,” R. Mathew, A. Kumar, S. Eckel, F. Jendrzejewski, G.K. Campbell, Mark Edwards, and E. Tiesinga, Physical Review A, 92, 033602 (2015).
- “Hysteresis in a quantized superfluid atomtronic circuit,” Stephen Eckel, Christopher J. Lobb, Jeffrey G. Lee, William D. Phillips, Fred Jendrzejewski, Mark Edwards, Gretchen K. Campbell, Noel Murray, Charles W. Clark, Nature 506, 500 (2014).
- “Resistive flow in a weakly interacting ring Bose-Einstein condensate,” Fred Jendrzejewski, Stephen Eckel, Noel Murray, Calib Lanier, Mark Edwards, Christopher J. Lobb, and Gretchen Campbell, Physical Review Letters 113, 045305 (2014).
- “Probing the circulation of ring Bose‐Einstein condensates,” Noel Murray, Michael Krygier, Mark Edwards, K. C. Wright, G. K. Campbell, and Charles W. Clark, Phys. Rev. A 88, 053615 (2013).
Last updated: 2/6/2024