EAGLE ALERT (All Campuses)

All campuses will move to remote operations on Tuesday (1/21) and Wednesday (1/22) due to potential winter weather.

Student Resources

Chemistry and Biochemistry Resources
Physics and Astronomy Resources

This magazine is the optimal collection of valuable insights from real grad students, faculty and leadership at the Society of Physics Students. The articles outlined below may help guide undergrads through to the next step in their careers within the physical sciences. Grad School Shopper is the only online directory dedicated exclusively to these fields and, combined with the new magazine, is dedicated to guiding students fully to their brightest future.

Student Organizations
Useful Links
  • Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program
    • The Georgia Southern (GS) Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program offers scholarships for students majoring in Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Mathematics, or Physics to complete dual undergraduate degrees (a B.A./B.S. in the content area and B.S.Ed. in Secondary Education) that result in a Georgia secondary teaching credential. Paid internship experiences are also available for freshman and sophomore students who have an interest in teaching secondary education in biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics.

Seminars are held on Thursdays at 2:00 pm.

Biochemistry and Chemistry

DateSpeakerTitleZoom Link and Password
October 12Alle Mae Murray Colson“From Textiles to Trailers – My Leadership Journey as a Quality Manager”https://georgiasouthern.zoom.us/j/85139456797?pwd=cXYvbjZyekV6VlhWT1hwVm9hMmRDZz09 
Meeting ID: 851 3945 6797
Passcode: 710792
October 19Rafael QuirinoVegetable Oils: a Platform for New Bio-based Materialshttps://georgiasouthern.zoom.us/j/84010848775?pwd=aUE1clRKVkE0eHFGeTI3SGxPdDh2dz09

Meeting ID: 840 1084 8775
Passcode: 578927
November 2Claire Beuttlehttps://georgiasouthern.zoom.us/j/85139456797?pwd=cXYvbjZyekV6VlhWT1hwVm9hMmRDZz09 
Meeting ID: 851 3945 6797
Passcode: 710792
November 9“Ese” Igberaese Festus-Ikhuoriahttps://georgiasouthern.zoom.us/j/85139456797?pwd=cXYvbjZyekV6VlhWT1hwVm9hMmRDZz09 
Meeting ID: 851 3945 6797
Passcode: 710792
November 16Shainaz Landgehttps://georgiasouthern.zoom.us/j/85139456797?pwd=cXYvbjZyekV6VlhWT1hwVm9hMmRDZz09 
Meeting ID: 851 3945 6797
Passcode: 710792

Physics Colloquium Schedule

Colloquiums are held in the Math/Physics Building on the Statesboro Campus, Room 3001 from 12:30 P.M. to 1:30 P.M.

DateSpeakerHome Institution
TitleZoom Link and Password
9/9Dr. Mark EdwardsGeorgia SouthernQuantum Computing in Atomic Tweezer ArraysAvailable upon request
9/16Dr. Jenna SamuelUT AustinSimulating our Intergalactic Neighborhood and Beyondhttps://georgiasouthern.zoom.us/rec/share/aX0F-scznkhnbNcr-LqLt8FGE0FBR7rRQDRn9wOXBYq72KsspvLyUIbNQ0QyXDFX.9QurlKHutj6b6_CE
Passcode: gg?p67+7
9/23Dr. Victor YakovenkoUMDEconomic inequality from a statistical physics point of viewhttps://georgiasouthern.zoom.us/rec/share/tGY0RKqsUW1SuarDYGkt_2FkW0ZNpdzfB8-iJOV2ROCWDXYmB9fFB0oMG5YXmOs4.CBY11kGBE0m4t3NI
Passcode: ^K@GVA4x
9/30Dr. Julian HeeckUVADoes Decay MatterCancelled due to Hurricane
10/7Dr. On KimOle MissTBA (Muon g-2 Experiment)https://georgiasouthern.zoom.us/rec/share/R4_ExMUIzK-Rk0aILKCJcOFtyWqNgTrd3L7LgF3Cjt_3QsyAVlVTK6nBry0nzL8P.2veu7ztYM2KBtJxd
Passcode: x0=0*%xh
10/14Dr. Vinicius MikuniBerkeley LabAccelerating Discovery in High Energy Physics using AIhttps://georgiasouthern.zoom.us/rec/share/YPeZiZ4fVA6fADqe0xWZYMmX0_hKzUnWfc4yKrwH7rowweQaWwmZXYwSAr8S_arA.Tm_THo2pA4IJLxN-
Passcode: &8S.uxor
10/21Dr. Varsha KulkarniSCConnecting Galaxies to their Circumgalactic Mediumhttps://georgiasouthern.zoom.us/rec/share/47phA6dAFEBdPuh5cYF7k8jSiO_b431xvogNdagmOgZ4iiJp8nc-t7HHYW1TKqS7.0RhjIqEIZvwvf2Gc
Passcode: X^WFQH0P
10/28Andrew Dyeole MissTBA (NOVA experiment)https://georgiasouthern.zoom.us/rec/share/yeG40STOw1a7g8RjzyTjaE2cOhJuWAE8CJS2NCg8tS_65ixQT6CMvmMT79xdIA3t.P28MaLgQkWsy-xYV
Passcode: X!E9UHV4
11/4Andrew GoetzYale“A Bayesian framework for integrative analysis of cellular metabolism”https://georgiasouthern.zoom.us/rec/share/JbuXfD9xJPzFcGIekG5-FDWqqRO7R43y1wxmtafB-5nakVzDuNd6TFUhAPAQQeaI.WsnFQVR0TmGRlXYx
Passcode: lk47fNS%
11/18Advanced Lab Presentationshttps://georgiasouthern.zoom.us/rec/share/Yppm5-y7t_X4PW5fUDdnyyPWtoWn7TmpNQbefIA-qGTkBpDxpn8N4JMforwa5JZP.yzYKlicNb8aQN-dU
Passcode: y0^kSq?L
12/2Advanced Lab Presentationshttps://georgiasouthern.zoom.us/rec/share/993MxLsyksCMr9uzQ5EVhJQNFuD_4Hk43YriPWAv3yB0KHKlU70t4nHR738u5WNV.inZuVuLXoTxzYcz_
Passcode: L#4An^8f
Study Abroad


Experience the history, culture, burgeoning scientific and political influence of the country of Romania!

Join Dr. Dragos Amarie on a 5-week excursion in the country of Romania to become acquainted with the increasing influence and importance of this Eastern European state.  Learn about the country through cultural excursions, while exploring the field of physics.

Nature and Purpose of the Program:

Romania’s strong folkloric traditions and attachment to the natural environment makes studying the natural sciences a uniquely rewarding experience.This program allows students to explore the field of physics in an experiential setting, and trips throughout the host city and country will allow students to study physics in a laboratory setting, as well as its use in daily life.

The 5-week trip will be based in Craiova, Romania’s 6th largest city located in the southwestern part of the country, and in the heart of the Balkan peninsula.  Living and studying in Craiova provides ample opportunity to study the major historical, political, religious, architectural, and scientific developments of Romania and understand how this convergence of cultures and traditions are making the country a technologically and strategically important state.  Romania has produced an extraordinary number of scientists and engineers whose work has positively impacted the lives of millions around the world.  Study and hone your knowledge of the principles of physics by learning with the guidance of Dr. Amarie with the help of our hosts at the University of Craiova.

Excursions and Activities:

  • Excursion to the regions of Oltenia, Wallachia, and Transylvania
  • Explore physics in daily life with trips to Lotru-Ciunget Hydropower plant, Ocnele Mari Salt Mines, Ford Romania, Cummins Generator Technologies, Ruris, or Popeci.
  • Trips to the Hateg Bison Reserve, Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa (the capital of Roman Dacia), cruise on Danube, or Horezu Ceramics Shop.
  • Visits to several history and art museums and historic places and monasteries, such as Dracula’s Castle, Peles Castle, Medieval Fortress of Severin, Rasnov Fortress, Deva Fortress, Cozia Monastery, or Corvin Castle.
  • Visit Bucharest, the capital of Romania and the Palace of the Parliament, the Cotroceni Palace, Mogosoaia Palace, Grigore Antipa National History Museum, or Dimitrie Gusti National Village Museum.
  • …and much more!

Have questions or need more information?  

Contact Dr. Dragos Amarie | Department of Physics


If you are interested: Apply Here

Web Links
Below are listed some of the commonly needed url links to various Chemistry resources:

COSM Advisement Center: (https://ww2.georgiasouthern.edu/cosm/advisement/)

Course-Related Websites

 Student Research Links

  • ChemSURE: for all undergraduates doing research in CHEMISTRY over the summer. 

Student Organizations

  • Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society (SAACS)  The Georgia Southern Student Affiliates chapter of the ACS was founded to promote the field of chemistry, to participate in civic and university events, and to provide the public with knowledge of the chemical sciences. Any student studying chemistry, biochemistry, or another science at Georgia Southern University is eligible to join.
  • National Organization of Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE)  The NOBCChE Student Chapter welcomes all minority majors concentrating in the science criteria. The organization’s focus is to strengthen  encourage, and develop the prime aspects of professionalism of young minority students attending Georgia Southern University. Through volunteer opportunities, community service, annual National Conferences, and fundraising events, NOBCChE works immensely to promote professionalism of young minorities within the STEM disciplines.
  • Alpha Chi Sigma (AXS)  Alpha Chi Sigma is a professional fraternity specializing in the field of chemistry. It has both collegiate and professional chapters throughout the United States consisting of both men and women and numbering more than 63,400 members. The fraternity aims to bring together students and professionals pursuing a wide variety of chemistry-related careers.
  • Association of Pre-Health Professionals Student Organization  Up-to-date information for students moving through the Pre-Medical or Pre-Dental program.

  Outside Chemistry Resources

  • Job Spectrum  Online recruitment and career site from the American Chemical Society
  • Registry for Undergraduate Researchers and Graduate Schools  The Council on Undergraduate Research has initiated a Registry of Undergraduate Researchers. The purpose of this registry is to facilitate matchmaking between undergraduates with research experience and a desire to pursue an advanced degree, and graduate schools seeking high quality students who are well prepared for research.
  • ChemJobs  Job vacancy site for chemists, biochemists, pharmaceutical scientists and chemical engineers.

Last updated: 12/2/2024