EAGLE ALERT (All Campuses)

All campuses will move to remote operations on Tuesday (1/21) and Wednesday (1/22) due to potential winter weather.

Jamie Roberts

James Roberts, PhDJames Roberts
Associate professor
PhD, Virginia Tech

Office: Biological Sciences 2228 (Statesboro)
E-mail: jhroberts@georgiasouthern.edu

Personal Web Page


Fisheries Biology, Ichthyology, Wildlife Management, Conservation Biology, Evolution and Ecology, Environmental Biology

Research Interests

How will droughts and climate change affect freshwater fisheries? What are the best management strategies for recovering endangered species? Where will harmful invasive species spread? How do fish decide when and where they will migrate? These are some of the questions that research in the Roberts lab seeks to address. Our goal is to build fundamental knowledge of ecology and evolution while enhancing the applied fields of fisheries science and conservation biology. We approach research problems from a variety of directions, using a combination of field, genetic, and modeling techniques. Most of our research is focused on freshwater fishes of the southeastern U.S., particularly in rivers of the Georgia coastal plain. Southeastern freshwater fishes are highly diverse and socioeconomically valuable, but frequently negatively impacted by human activities. Visit the lab website to learn more about who we are and what we do.

Google Scholar Profile

Last updated: 12/19/2023