EAGLE ALERT (All Campuses)

All campuses will move to remote operations on Tuesday (1/21) and Wednesday (1/22) due to potential winter weather.

Lance D. McBrayer

lmcbrayer_225x150Lance D. McBrayer
PhD, Ohio University

Office: Biological Sciences 1160 (Statesboro)
E-mail: lancemcbrayer@georgiasouthern.edu

Personal Web Page

Herpetology, Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, Evolution

Research Interests
My research interests lie in organismal ecology which encompasses behavior, physiology, functional morphology, and evolution. Central to my research is the study of performance, or how well organisms perform ecologically important tasks like thermoregulation, escaping predators, and coping with parasites. I have conducted research in Ocala National Forest in Florida since 2007 and it continues to be a productive system to study a wide range of questions. |I am also the curator of our herpetology collection (~36,000 specimens). This collection provides a rich source of natural history data for this region. If interested, feel free to contact me or visit my home page for more information.

Google Scholar Profile

Last updated: 12/19/2023