EAGLE ALERT (All Campuses)

All campuses will move to remote operations on Tuesday (1/21) and Wednesday (1/22) due to potential winter weather.

John Carroll

John Carroll, PhDJohn Carroll
Associate professor
PhD, Stony Brook University

Office: Biological Sciences 3332 (Statesboro)
Phone: 9124784587
E-mail: jcarroll@georgiasouthern.edu

Personal Web Page

Marine Ecology, Invertebrate Zoology, Ecology and Evolution, Communicating Science

Research Interests
My research interests include estuarine community and benthic ecology, trophic interactions, larval settlement and recruitment, seascape ecology and restoration ecology. More specifically, my work has focused on answering research questions using commercially important shellfish species – including clams, scallops and oysters – to improve management. My lab addresses applied research questions to improve restoration efforts, management strategies, and enhance coastal resilience and sustainability.

Google Scholar Profile

Last updated: 12/19/2023