Lissa M. Leege
Lissa M. Leege
PhD, Michigan State University
Office: Biological Sciences 2264 (Statesboro)
Environmental Biology, Botany, Plant Ecology, Principles of Biology 2 Lab, Honors Inquiry in the Natural Sciences, Global Sustainability, Plants and Civilization
Research Interests
My research focuses on plant conservation ecology with regards to plant population and community ecology and threats to biodiversity. In particular, I am interested in coastal sand dune ecology and restoration, non-native plant invasions and the ecology and management of rare plants. My students and I use field and greenhouse experiments and observations to answer questions about the role of climate change, herbivores, fire, invaders, and other disturbances in regulating plant population and community dynamics. Current work focuses on 1) sand dune ecology and restoration on Tybee Island and 2) the impacts of non-native species invasions in wetlands. Past research has included work on three endangered species in Georgia, Trillium reliquum, Trillium persistens and Baptisia arachnifera. My research is based primarily in the southeastern U.S.
Last updated: 12/19/2023