EAGLE ALERT (All Campuses)

All campuses will move to remote operations on Tuesday (1/21) and Wednesday (1/22) due to potential winter weather.

Michele Guidone

Michele Guidone, PhDMichele Guidone
Associate professor
PhD, Biological Science – University of Rhode Island

Office: SC 1005 (Armstrong)
Phone: (912) 344-3183
E-mail: mguidone@georgiasouthern.edu

Personal Web Page

Principles in Biology II, Research Methods Seminars, Marine Ecology, Marine Pollution, Phycology, Research

Research Interests
Dr. Guidone investigates the ecological impacts of human alterations to marine and freshwater environments. Human influences on these habitats include: structures that form hardened shorelines, pollutants that disrupt chemical processes, invasive species that alter community diversity, and the overarching threat of global climate change. Recent projects in the Guidone lab have included investigations of: microplastic presence within algal turfs, fiddler crab behavior in response to anthropogenic disturbances, and the relationship between host habitat and parasite load.

Google Scholar Profile

Last updated: 12/19/2023