SFC Kevin Hoffman

SFC Kevin R Hoffman was born and raised just outside Pittsburgh PA in a small
town called Beaver. After completing High School at Western Beaver High, he
enlisted in the United States Army, 15 March 2000. He underwent Basic Training at
Ft Benning GA and his advanced training at Ft Jackson SC. Notable awards:
Meritorious Service Medal, four Army Commendation Medals, Four Army
Achievement Medals, Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Medal, Armed
Forces Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terror Expeditionary Medal, Global
War on Terror service Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal with M device, Georgia
Meritorious Service Medal, and two Georgia Commendation Medals. Hoffman was
also awarded the Presidential unit citation.

Following Basic Training Hoffman was deployed to the Korean peninsula in 2000
to maintain a patriot missile Company in the fight against Communist Korean
Forces. While deployed his unit received many accolades for maintaining a fleet of
over 50 vehicles with zero of them being placed on the deadline report. In this
period, he was able to fulfill mission objectives tirelessly while completing all work
on all pacing items. His dedication towards his mission led him to be promoted to
Specialist before his peers.

After his deployment he was assigned to the 3rd Infantry Division Ft Stewart GA,
Co E 703 main support battalion. Hoffman was deployed to Kuwait 30 Dec 2002
and later he would be part of the initial invasion to secure the Iraqi people’s
freedom and the search for weapons. Once returning from Iraq Hoffman left the
active duty to join the GAARNG.

While serving in the GAARNG Hoffman was deployed to Iraq for the second time
as a Recovery team NCOIC. Hoffman ran over a 190 recovery missions and was
awarded the Meritorious Service Medal for his actions which saved the entire
team. Hoffman later decided to continue his service by becoming a full-time
employee for the GAARNG. Hoffman has been serving over 22 years has 2
children serving in the GAARNG and one son still in High School. Hoffman is
married to his wife Nancy Hoffman who is employed as a nurse and volunteers her
time to assist Soldiers any way possible.

SFC Hoffman joined the Eagle Battalion in Summer 2022 and serves as the Georgia Southern National Guard Detachment NCO.

Last updated: 9/13/2022