SSG Sam Loney
Staff Sergeant Sam Loney joined Eagle Battalion in August of 2023. He enlisted in the Army in July of 2017 as an 11B and attended OSUT at Fort Benning, Georgia. After OSUT he attended Airborne school and the Ranger Assessment and Selection Process 1 (RASP 1). He was stationed at Hunter Army Airfield with 1st Ranger Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment where he served in various positions to include Rifleman, Automatic Rifleman, Fire Team leader, Multi-Purpose Canine Handler, and Multi-Purpose Canine Section Leader. He has deployed four times in support of Operation Freedom Sentinel and Operation Inherent Resolve.
His military courses and education include: U.S. Army Ranger School, Airborne School, Advanced Ranger First Responder, Small Unit Ranger Tactics (SURT), Fast Rope Infiltration and Exfiltration Master (FRIES), Von Liche Basic Handlers course, 75th Ranger Regiment Advanced Handlers Course, Basic Leader Course (BLC), and the Advanced Leader Course (ALC),
SSG Loney is married to his wife, Mackenzie, and has a one-year-old son named Kohen.
Last updated: 10/9/2023