Sustainable Aquaponics Research Center

Researching the Economics and Sustainability of Aquaponic Systems

The Sustainable Aquaponics Research Center (SARC) is a joint venture established in 2016 by Georgia Southern University and the FORAM Foundation. Our aquaponics system is located in a 4,100 square foot greenhouse that supports student and faculty research in areas of biology, chemistry, economics and engineering.

Our Mission: To conduct cutting-edge research, and to develop technologies and best practices that improve the sustainability and profitability of soilless farming techniques.

Welcome video for new faculty orientation 2020

SARC In the News

Join the Weekly Mailing List

Anyone wishing to receive weekly emails regarding SARC updates and to order produce should follow these instructions:

  1. Log into your Google account
  2. Go to the SARC google group page
  3. Edit your settings in the popup to join the group

To join using a non-google email account, or if the process above does not work:

  • Email and request to be added to the produce mailing list
  • Once you are added, you will receive emails at the account you provided.

Contact if you have any questions about produce availability and delivery.
Check out the marketplace for details!

Two men from Eagle Dining harvest basil
Eagle Dining visits the greenhouse, and planned several new dishes using our hydroponically-grown Thai and lemon basil.