Faculty and Staff
Administrative Staff
Dr. Daniel Gleason
Director of SEES and Professor of Biology
Office: Herty 1110
Email: dgleason@georgiasouthern.edu Website: sites.google.com/georgiasouthern.edu/gleason-lab/
Jessica Keeley
Administrative Coordinator, SEES
Office: Herty 1110
Phone: 912-478-5361
Email: jjacksonkeeley@georgiasouthern.edu
Clara Ray
Laboratory and Research Coordinator, SEES
Office: Herty 1104C
Phone: 912-478-1744
Email: cray@georgiasouthern.edu
Geology Faculty
Sarah Friedman, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Geology
Magnetism and Structural Geology
Office: Herty 1100C
Phone: 912-478-1154
Email: sfriedman@georgiasouthern.edu
Steve Guggino, Ph.D.
Non-Tenure Track Associate Professor of Geology
Office: Herty 1104B
Phone: 912-478-7836
Email: sguggino@georgiasouthern.edu
Jacque Kelly, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Geology
Groundwater Geochemistry & Coastal Hydrology
Office: Herty 0105
Email: jkelly@georgiasouthern.edu
Assistant Professor of Geology
Sediment geochemistry, mineralogy, Quaternary geology Office: Herty 1100B
Phone: 912-478-4259
Email: elo@georgiasouthern.edu
Nicholas Radko, M.S.
Senior Lecturer of Geology
Mineralogy & Environmental Geology
Office: Herty 1100D
Phone: 912-478-5640
Email: nradko@georgiasouthern.edu
James Reichard, Ph.D.
Professor of Geology
Hydrogeology & Environmental Geology
Office: Herty 0104
Phone: 912-478-5546
Email: jreich@georgiasouthern.edu
Fredrich Rich, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor of Geology
Palynology & Paleoecology
Office: Herty 1113A
Phone: 912-478-0849
Email: frich@georgiasouthern.edu
Kathlyn Smith, Ph.D.
Professor of Geology & Museum Curator
Vertebrate Paleontology & Paleoecology
Office: Herty 1116
Phone: 912-478-5398
Email: ksmith@georgiasouthern.edu
R. Kelly Vance, Ph.D.
Professor of Geology & Sea Turtle Program Co-Director
Igneous Petrology & Geochemistry
Office: Herty 2116C
Phone: 912-478-5353
Email: rkvance@georgiasouthern.edu
Geography Faculty
Christine Hladik, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Geography
Remote Sensing and Coastal Ecology
Office: Herty 1102A
Phone: 912-478-0338
Email: chladik@georgiasouthern.edu
Meimei Lin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Geography
Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing
Office: Armstrong Campus – Science Center 2009
Phone: 912-344-2974
Email: meimeilin@georgiasouthern.edu
Amy Potter, Ph.D.
Professor of Geography
Cultural/Human Geographies and Tourism
Office: Armstrong Campus Science Center 1014
Phone: 912-344-3612
Email: amypotter@georgiasouthern.edu
Munshi Rahman, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Geography
Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing
Office: Herty 2100F
Phone: 912-478-6029
Email: mkrahman@georgiasouthern.edu
Helen Rosko, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Geography
Human Geography
Office: Herty 1113
Email: hrosko@georgiasouthern.edu
Wei Tu, Ph.D.
Professor of Geography and Geographic Information Science
GIS, Spatial Analysis, and Health Geography
Office: Herty 2100E
Phone: 912-478-5233
Email: wtu@georgiasouthern.edu
Robert Yarbrough, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Geography
Cultural and Nature-Society Geographies
Office: Herty 113B
Phone: 912-478-5361
Email: ryarbrough@georgiasouthern.edu
Sustainability and Environmental Science
Professor of Biology & Curator for the United States National Tick Collection (USNTC)
Office: Math/Physics, 3058B
Email: lorenzabeati@georgiasouthern.edu
Website: lorenzabeati.klacto.net/
Professor of Biology & Assistant Curator for the United States National Tick Collection (USNTC)
Office: Math/Physics, 3057
Email: dapanaskevich@georgiasouthern.edu
Website: sites.google.com/a/georgiasouthern.edu/dapanask/home
Assistant Professor
Office: Math/Physics, 3060
Email: tcyronak@georgiasouthern.edu
Website: https://www.marinebiogeochem.com/
Institute Affiliate Faculty
ICPS Affiliate Faculty: Come from departments across the College of Science and Mathematics. They provide research, educational, or other opportunities to students in order to fulfill the mission of the ICPS and may collaborate with ICPS faculty on research, grants, or other projects.
Last updated: 10/28/2024