EAGLE ALERT (All Campuses)

All campuses will move to remote operations on Tuesday (1/21) and Wednesday (1/22) due to potential winter weather.

Steve Guggino

Steve Guggino, Ph.D.
NTT Assistant Professor of Geology
Office: Herty 1104B
Phone: 912-478-5361
Email: sguggino@georgiasouthern.edu

Academic Background

Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2012

  • Major: Geological Sciences

M.S., University of South Florida, 2004

  • Major: Geology

B.S., University of South Florida, 2001

  • Major: Geology


Develop innovative, enthusiastic, and effectual methodologies for teaching the geosciences to a diverse student population of non‐science majors, science majors, and geoscience majors. ∙ Utilize digital and other technologies that enhance the learning experience within the traditional classroom setting, online classes, and hybrid classes.   

∙ Adopt teaching methods that support the various learning preferences of students.   ∙ Illustrate real‐world geoscience concepts using hands‐on samples and demonstrations. ∙ Develop and implement local field trips that both edify concepts learned in the classroom and portray a sense of place, allowing students to personalize the knowledge acquired. 

∙ Demonstrate the relevance of the geosciences and the scientific method to a student’s every‐day life. ∙ Contribute to the science of geology by mentoring, advising, coordinating, and conducting original research with undergraduate and graduate students. 

Last updated: 6/13/2024