Graduation / Commencement Information

 Email if you have questions. 

Important Dates

Commencement Website

Spring 2025 Graduation & Commencement

Graduation Fee added to account – 12/01/2024

Graduation Application deadline – 01/31/2025

Cap and Gown order deadline – 04/01/2025
**NOTE: Deluxe Doctoral Regalia deadline – 03/15/2025                                     

Commencement Ceremony Participation (MarchingOrder) RSVP deadline – TBD

Spring 2025 Commencement Ceremony Schedule:

  • Tuesday, 5/13/2025 – Paulson Stadium in Statesboro at 10:00 A.M.
    • College of Arts and Humanities, College of Science and Mathematics, Waters College of Health Professions, and Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health
  • Wednesday, 5/14/2025 – Paulson Stadium in Statesboro at 10:00 A.M.
    • Parker College of Business and College of Education
  • Thursday, 5/15/2025 – Paulson Stadium in Statesboro at 10:00 A.M.
    • College of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing
  • Saturday, 5/17/2025 – Enmarket Arena in Savannah at 10:00 A.M.
    • College of Arts and Humanities, College of Education, College of Science and Mathematics, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Parker College of Business, and Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing
  • Saturday, 5/17/2025 – Enmarket Arena in Savannah at 3:00 P.M.
    • Waters College of Health Professions and Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health

Last day for I/IP grades to be cleared for Spring 2025 degree conferral – 07/01/2025

Summer 2025 Graduation & Commencement

Special Note: Summer candidates participate in the Spring Commencement Ceremony

Graduation Fee added to account – 04/01/2025

Commencement Ceremony Participation – Spring 2025 Ceremony (See Information Above)

Graduation Application – Opens: 02/27/2024     Closes:  01/31/2025 (for Spring Commencement

                                         Opens: 05/13/2025     Closes:  05/30/2025 (for Degree Conferral) 

Last day for I/IP grades to be cleared for Summer 2025 degree conferral – 09/12/2025

Fall 2025 Graduation & Commencement

Graduation Fee added to account – TBD

Graduation Application deadline – TBD

Cap and Gown order deadline – TBD
**NOTE: Deluxe Doctoral Regalia deadline – TBD

Commencement Ceremony Participation (MarchingOrder) RSVP deadline – TBD

Fall 2025 Commencement Ceremony Schedule:

  • TBD– Enmarket Arena in Savannah
    • Ceremony for Graduate and Undergraduate Candidates in all Colleges
  • TBD – Paulson Stadium in Statesboro
    • Ceremony for Graduate and Undergraduate Candidates in all Colleges

Last day for I/IP grades to be cleared for Fall 2025 degree conferral – TBD

Graduation v. Commencement

Graduation Information

1. Application for Graduation

All candidates must submit an Application for Graduation through your WINGS account at least three semesters before you anticipate completing degree requirements. Please click here for instructions to apply.

Please access your WINGS account through MyGeorgiaSouthern to enter a Diploma Address (DA) that is valid six to eight weeks after commencement for delivery of your diploma. If there is no Diploma Address (DA), the Permanent Home Address (MA) is used for mailing your diploma after all requirements are completed.

Your last name as it appears on your academic record must be used on your application. If your current academic record name needs to be changed, please click here to access the official Name Change Form.

Georgia Southern University currently holds commencement ceremonies at the end of Fall and Spring semesters. Candidates may walk at the Commencement ceremony only after they complete all of their coursework including internships. The only exceptions are the candidates completing in the Summer semester.  Summer candidates completing all of their degree requirements at the end of Summer semester are expected to walk in the Spring (May) Commencement ceremony. Doctoral candidates who complete all requirements at the end of Summer semester are expected to walk in the Fall (December) Commencement ceremony.

Spring and Summer Candidates

  • All candidates must submit a graduation application in WINGS by the last Friday in January if they plan to complete their graduation requirements in Spring or Summer. 
  • Doctoral Students completing during Summer semester will walk in the Fall ceremony.

Fall Candidates

  • All candidates must submit a graduation application in WINGS by the last Friday in August if they plan to complete their graduation requirements in Fall.

2. Graduation Fee

Every student receiving a degree must pay a graduation fee of $35. This may be paid online by logging into MyGeorgiaSouthern, or in person at the Cashier’s window in Deal Hall on Southern Drive (Statesboro Campus) or at Victor Hall (Armstrong Campus).

To pay online, Sign into MyGeorgiaSouthern, choose Financial Resources, $ View/Pay Your Tuition Bill.  A pop-up window will appear with the Touchnet bill + pay interface.  Click My Account, Current Activity, View your Term Balance.  For details expand the term using the arrow on the left.  To make a payment, from the menu bar, select Make Payment and pay by Term balance.

If you do not see the graduation fee posted on your account, please email the Office of the Registrar at Candidates completing two degrees on the same date will only pay $35. Your degree will not be awarded if you have not paid the graduation fee.

3. Student Actions That May Prevent Graduation

It is the student’s responsibility to follow-up with their advisor to ensure that their degree requirements are being met. The actions listed below could prevent a student from satisfying their graduation requirements in the desired term of completion:

  1. Withdrawing from (“dropping”) a required course.
  2. Receiving a failing grade in a required course or receiving a grade below that required by the program.
  3. Changing one’s major or degree program.
  4. Withdrawing from Georgia Southern University.
  5. Failure to meet any degree requirement(s) as specified and in the time stipulated.
  6. Incurring a disciplinary action affecting the student’s enrollment.
  7. Academic and Financial obligations such as holds, parking tickets, obligations to the Library, National Direct Student Loan (NDSL) and the Business Office not met before the end of the graduation term.

4. Change of Expected Graduation Date

After applying for graduation, if a student changes their completion term, either to move it forward or to delay it to another term after application, the Registrar’s Office must be notified of the change.  Candidates must contact their academic advisor and have them contact our office to update their graduation term. If you have asked for your graduation term to be updated from your original graduation application, you will see the change in DegreeWorks but not in WINGS.

5. Transients

A student who takes their last coursework for a degree as a transient student may not be eligible for graduation that term. The student is responsible for requesting an official transcript from the other institution (which reflects all final grades) to be forwarded to Georgia Southern University: It is the student’s responsibility to follow-up to ensure the transcript has been received by the Registrar’s Office before the awarding deadline, which is 60 days after grade processing.

6. Incomplete & In – Progress Grades

All grade changes for incomplete and in-progress courses must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office within 60 days after grade processing of the graduation term. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor in order to complete the requirements for the course. Any “I” or “IP” grade(s) will prevent degree conferral

7. Former Students Who Have Previously Applied for Graduation

Students who have applied for graduation but have not registered for classes for three consecutive semesters, including Summer semester, will have their graduation applications removed. After three consecutive semesters of no registration, students returning to Georgia Southern University will need to complete a Former Student Application which can be found here.

Upon readmission to the university, any former student with a prior graduation application who plans to complete degree requirements should send an email to that includes their name and EagleID so that a new graduation application can be submitted on their behalf.

Commencement Information

1. Cap and Gown Reservations/Announcements

Candidates can order their caps and gowns from Herff Jones. Please give your height, weight, degree, and major. Measurements must be received by Herff Jones at least six weeks before commencement. Cap and gown fees can be paid directly to the Herff-Jones Company when you place your order.

NOTE: Since there may be multiple ceremonies, please be sure of the day and time of your commencement ceremony before ordering announcements. Announcements are available at the University Store, Eagle Print Shop, and Herff Jones.

2. Attendance at Commencement

Commencement is a celebratory event to acknowledge your academic achievements. However, attendance is not required.

3. Walking Out of Term

Below are the circumstances that are appropriate to request to walk one semester out of term:

Reasons or circumstances for requesting to walk out of term:
If the student is registered for a 12 hour internship in the Fall or Spring semester and cannot be present for the ceremony due to work requirements, distance from campus or the student is not returning to campus.

If the student is registered for a 3/6/9 hr internship and has NO other courses on campus that term.

If the student is registered for ALL online courses or is transient the final term and their permanent home address is out of state and/or more than a five hour travel commute.

If the student has to attend a funeral, birth of child, wedding, medical issues that would affect their participation in the ceremony and the student can provide documentation.

Please remember if you are completing degree requirements in the summer semester, you should plan to participate in the spring commencement ceremony and do not have to complete a request to walk out of term.

If you meet one of the reasons or circumstances above, please click HERE to request to walk out of term.

Paper Diplomas

Graduates will receive a paper diploma in the mail approximately six to eight weeks after their degree has been conferred. The paper diploma is included in the graduation fee. Candidates must update their diploma address (DA) in WINGS before the end of the semester in which they are completing their requirements. Major(s) and graduation with honors are noted on the diploma.

Note: Diplomas will not be mailed to any graduate with a financial hold. To view your hold(s), visit your WINGS account — click Student, Student Records, then View Holds.

Your last name as it appears on your academic record must be used on your diploma. If your current academic record name needs to be changed, please click here to access the official Name Change Form.

Certified Electronic Diploma (CeDiploma)

Georgia Southern University now offers Certified Electronic Diplomas (CeDiploma®) to graduates completing Spring 2022 and after. For additional information about the Certified Electronic Credential features, trademarks and patents, please visit After your degree is conferred, you will receive an email with information on how to order and pay for your electronic diploma. 

Diploma orders are placed weekly and processing time averages 14 business days. After processing, you will receive an email with instructions from Paradigm on how to access your CeDiploma.

For legacy graduates (students who had their degree conferred in Fall 2021 or prior terms), please answer all fields on the order form and pay on the link by clicking here.

Diploma Replacement Request

Replacement diplomas may be ordered by using the Replacement Diploma Request Form link below.

Our policy is that diplomas and academic records must have the same last name.  Therefore, diplomas will print with the same last name that is currently on your transcripts.

Payment can be made by using the link below.  All diplomas are size 11.75″ x 15″ and will include the University’s current name and signatures.

Replacement Diploma Request and Payment Form

*For undergraduate students requesting a replacement diploma that was earned between Fall 2020 and Fall 2021, please contact our office by email ( before completing the replacement request form.

Graduation with Honors

Detailed criteria regarding honors may be found by visiting the graduation requirement section in the University Catalog and viewing “Graduation with Academic Honors”. Only baccalaureate degree candidates are eligible to graduate with honors. Candidates receiving honors will be notified by email before commencement.

Upcoming Commencement Ceremonies

Please see the University Commencement website for more information.

Last updated: 7/17/2022