
Emergency Call Boxes

For the safety and security of all on the Georgia Southern campuses, emergency call boxes are located campus-wide on the Statesboro and Armstrong campuses. These “Blue-Light Boxes” provide simple and direct communication with Public Safety and are operational 24 hours a day. In the event of an emergency, or if simple assistance is needed, follow the instructions on the emergency call box and you will be connected with Public safety. Location maps of the emergency call boxes for the Statesboro and Armstrong campuses can be viewed here.


Automated External Defibrillators (AED) on campus

Go to the following link to view the map locations of AEDs on the Statesboro, Armstrong, and Liberty campuses.

Statesboro Campus 

Armstrong Campus


Campus Carry

Effective July 1, 2017, The Georgia House Bill 280, commonly referred to as the “Campus Carry” legislation has been implemented on all University System of Georgia campuses. For more information please visit the following:


How to Expunge My Record

Contact the Records Administrator  at the Office of Public Safety for instructions. Go to: Forms and Directions.

Forms may only be submitted with payment at the Office of Public Safety.

Last updated: 8/28/2018